Tag Archives: anthony weiner

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Considers Election Run Against Anthony Weiner

Rabbi Boteach writes for the Jewish Journal: …Weiner needs help to overcome self-destructive tendencies that border on a death wish and that will consume him if he ignores them. Any elected official who tweets his swollen male appendage to a … Continue reading

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Who Is Huma Abedin?

Huma Abedin – international woman of mystery! I’ve had 11,000 visits to my blog already today and 90% of them are looking for information about Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The New York Post reports: When the wife’s away, Weiner … Continue reading

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The Most Undercovered News Story Of The Past Three Years – Huma Abedin

My number one source of internet traffic over the past four years is “Huma Abedin.” I’ve had 42,000 visits to my website today, and 90% of them have come looking for info on Huma Abedin. Who is she? We know … Continue reading

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Is Huma Abedin Partly Responsible For Her Husband’s Sexting?

MSNBC’s Christ Matthew suggests that Huma Abedin is partially responsible for Anthony Weiner’s behavior. In 2007, gossip linked Huma sexually to Hillary Clinton. Then in 2008, Huma settled down with Anthony Weiner. In today’s news conference, Anthony Weiner said Huma … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Anthony Weiner

On his radio show this morning before Anthony Weiner’s press conference, Dennis Prager said: “I don’t find scandals interesting as a rule because I just assume they happen. I find policy interesting.” “I am convinced Anthony Weiner is lying to … Continue reading

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