Tag Archives: gil student

Ten Questions With Rabbi Gil Student

From here: Rabbi Gil Student is Founder and Author of Hirhurim and founder of Yashar Books. 1. Describe in around 100 words the way in which you are involved in Jewish Work? My involvement in the Jewish community is extremely … Continue reading

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Jewish Action Magazine On The Rabbinic Model

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The latest issue of Jewish Action has a fascinating interview with seven veteran Orthodox rabbis on a variety of interesting topics. One issue discussed was the shtiebelization of Orthodoxy, i.e. the breaking up into small, relatively … Continue reading

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Do We Need A Solution To The Agunah Crisis?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Mordechai Torczyner writes about how local rabbis struggle to "free" agunos and resolve diffcult divorce cases (link). His main point is that rabbis put in a great deal of effort and creativity in solving these … Continue reading

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Praying On A Plane

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Meir Weingarten of Ariel Tours was kind enough to provide me with a booklet from El Al that contains the following: Our sages show the way. Customs of Gedolei Torah During Flights. Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, … Continue reading

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YU’s Tranny Prof – No Problem Says Rabbi

Rabbi Gil Student, the leader of Modern Orthodoxy in America, posts: The news is reporting that a tenured professor at Yeshiva University returned last week as a transgender individual (link). It seems that some rabbis are vocally opposed to this. … Continue reading

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