Tag Archives: rabbs

Luke and Rabbs: Norwegian bachelor farmers

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, Been toiling away in the political vineyards. I think we created a lot of good possibilities. You and Rabbs are starting to resemble Garrison Keillor’s Norwegian bachelor farmers. Apparently these are men who are single, … Continue reading

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Don’t Ignore Rabbi Rabbs!

Rabbi Rabbs posts on FB: As those of you that I tagged are probably already aware, and many others of you reading this might also know, Heshy Fried a.ka. Frum Satire, posted in his blog today about how I deleted … Continue reading

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The Slifkin Challenge

David Kelsey writes: One of Rabbi Slifkin’s tormentors — one of the few who remains standing anyway, as many have been caught in one type of scandal or another — is rethinking whether he is helping or hurting Kiruv with … Continue reading

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I Want To Study Torah With Hot Chicks

On Torah Talk, we answer the goy Casey’s ten questions about God, we get a review of my memoir “XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without A Shul” from the holy Rabbi Rabbs and we discuss this week’s Torah portion. I do a … Continue reading

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Six Questions that Bearded Luke Dares Not Address

Chaim Amalek emails: But first, a bit of commentary. Quoting from Menachem Schneerson: “Science now declares—as categorically as it is permissible for contemporary science—that where two bodies in space are in relative motion, it is scientifically impossible to determine which … Continue reading

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