Tag Archives: gil student

The Week In Jewish News

Steven I. Weiss reports: Rabbi Gil Student posts: R. Yaakov Klass discusses the "Real Tough Times": Jewish Press I, Jewish Press II Rebbetzin Jungreis talks about how we should cope with the economic crisis: Jewish Press I, Jewish Press II … Continue reading

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Religious Gratitude For The Atheist Wave

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There is a thought-provoking opinion piece in today’s Wall Street Journal (link) in which the religious author suggests that he is grateful for the recent wave of vocal atheism: Why should believers welcome this emergence of … Continue reading

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Remembering Aish HaTorah’s Founder Noah Weinberg

Rabbi Gil Student writes: To the great sadness of Jews around the world, R. Noah Weinberg passed away last week (link). There are many moving tributes on Aish.com.* One thing about R. Weinberg was that he was passionate. You couldn’t … Continue reading

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The Risks Of A Secular College

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Menachem Schrader, the Founding Director of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) program, said the following at a conference for principals and guidance advisors last week about yeshiva high school graduates who go … Continue reading

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The Declining Quality Of Yeshiva Education

A teacher writes on Hirhurim: "As someone who has taught and teaches in high level post high school yeshivot and seminaries- I can attest that the reading level, as well as the ability to "sit" and study, has declined. They … Continue reading

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