Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager Still Loves Sarah Palin

He says on his radio show today: "She has been mauled by the media. She’s the anti-thing that they love. She’s the anti-media, the opposite of what they adore. Her origins are humble. She’s religious. "The criticism of Sarah Palin … Continue reading

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Does American Need Change?

Dennis Prager writes: If you ask most supporters of Sen. Barack Obama why they so fervently want him to be elected president, they will tell you about their deep yearning for "change." And that, of course, has been the theme … Continue reading

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Helen & Monica Say Shame And Sexuality Are Not Same Thing

Dennis Prager says there was no sexuality in the Garden of Eden until Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked. Complete discussion video here.

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College Made Her Queer

Dennis Prager writes: Perhaps the most important argument against same-sex marriage is that once society honors same-sex sex as it does man-woman sex, there will inevitably be a major increase in same-sex sex. People do sexually (as in other areas) … Continue reading

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The Case For Prop 8

Dennis Prager writes: But even though California voters decided by a large margin to retain the man-woman definition of marriage, passing Proposition 8 will be a challenge. First, the attorney general of California, Jerry Brown, unilaterally renamed the proposition as … Continue reading

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