Buffalo Bills Safety Damar Hamlin Collapses, Intubated, Critical Condition (1-3-23)

06:45 Elliott Blatt joins
44:00 Chris Kavanagh of Decoding the Gurus, https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/ep-67-chris-kavanagh-pt-2-differences-similarities
1:13:00 Yale philosopher Jason Stanley, https://www.patreon.com/DecodingTheGurus/posts
1:22:00 Left-wing writer Owen Jones

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The New Fascism

I notice that people generally use “fascism” to mean some political development they don’t like.

After 9-11, the West could have treated the threat of Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists as primarily a law enforcement problem. Instead, the Bush administration decided to launch a war on terror, and claimed, without evidence, that the country was hit on 9-11 because people like Osama Bin Laden hated our freedom. Then we got all sorts of right-wing rhetoric about Islamo-fascism.

So instead of looking at Islamic terror as primarily a matter for law enforcement to deal with, it became widely seen as a civilizational war where the forces of freedom were doing battle with the forces of darkness.

At the time, there were people such as Mickey Kaus who said we should regard Islamic terror as primarily a law enforcement issue rather than civilization issue. In retrospect, they were right.

Now we have the Democrats, the MSM and our elites engaged in a civilizational war against white nationalism and the new threat of fascism to our democratic institutions. Given that the overwhelming majority of white nationalists are law abiding, that might be a mistake. Why not look at the extreme right and the extreme left as primarily a law enforcement issue when those extremes break the law?

Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt says that when you make something sacred, you can’t see it clearly and you can’t compromise effectively. For the left, the battle against fascism is a sacred fight just as the fight against Islamo-fascism was a sacred fight for the right.

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Russia vs NATO: Who’s Winning In Ukraine? (1-2-23)

01:00 Who’s Winning In Ukraine?
02:00 Bill Browder: More Russian oligarchs will be assassinated before the war is over, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idPw9pn_NC0
09:00 Scott Ritter, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter
10:00 Scott Ritter says Ukraine cannot win this war, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCR-Phtgx0k
14:00 Why are we funding nazis and white supremacists in Ukraine?
18:00 Colonel Douglas MacGregor, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Macgregor
40:00 Metokur Goes To Die, Buries Gamergate With Him | JFGT 733, https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt733:4
47:00 Gamergate, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)
59:20 Mr Metokur is terminal!?!! Chronology of Jim’s illness
1:15:00 Polite Conversations: Ep 66: Chris Kavanagh, https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/ep-66-chris-kavanagh-pt-1-comparing-notes
1:18:00 Sam Harris and Stefan Molyneux
1:21:00 Sam Harris compares Vox, Ezra Klein to the KKK
1:26:00 Intellectual Dark Web was united by attention seeking, not ideology, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_dark_web
1:55:00 WSJ: Rookie Traders Are Calling It Quits, and Their Families Are Thrilled, https://www.wsj.com/articles/rookie-traders-are-calling-it-quits-and-their-families-are-thrilled-11672513272?mod=hp_lead_pos7
2:05:00 Polite conversations podcast, https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/polite-conversations/id1086199663
2:12:00 Nice mangos, https://twitter.com/NiceMangos
2:29:00 Meet the Pakistani-Canadian woman who wrote the children’s book ‘My Chacha Is Gay’, https://scroll.in/article/729337/meet-the-pakistani-canadian-woman-who-wrote-the-childrens-book-my-chacha-is-gay

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WEHT To Stefan Molyneux? (1-1-23)

00:55 WEHT to Stefan Molyneux?
55:00 Australia vs America
1:02:00 David Brooks’ book, Bobos in Paradise

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The woke, the true and the sacred (12-30-22)

00:55 Optimizing truth, https://www.patreon.com/DecodingTheGurus
02:00 Jonathan Haidt: Race/ Gender Denying Liberals Should Not Go Into Social Sciences
07:00 Science Denial – Right vs. Left / Jonathan Haidt & David Sloan Wilson
15:00 The origins of wokeness with Eric Kaufman and Noah Carl,
58:00 WP: Scrutiny mounts over Buffalo’s response to deadly blizzard, https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/12/28/buffalo-blizzard-driving-ban-response/
1:05:00 DTG prof wants Twitter to burn down under Musk

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