Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Seeking Approval

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong in seeking approval. It all depends on who you seek approval from. I notice that a lot of people say, "I don’t care what other people think." I believe this is always false … Continue reading

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New Indian Chabad House Seeks Out Gentiles

Maybe Judaism has a mission to the world? Dennis Prager will approve. From the Jerusalem Post: Gentiles will be the focus of a new Chabad House to be opened in northern India’s Himachal Pradesh state. Inspired to increase its activities … Continue reading

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Women Should Think A Second Time Before Saying No To Their Husbands

Dennis Prager writes: It is an axiom of contemporary marital life that if a wife is not in the mood, she need not have sex with her husband. Here are some arguments why a woman who loves her husband might … Continue reading

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There’s Something Wrong With Me

I feel heartbroken, absolutely ravaged. Why? The Dallas Cowboys lost a football game tonight and probably won’t make the playoffs. Dennis Prager’s radio psychiatrist Stephen Marmer once described what was wrong with people like me. We don’t like our lives … Continue reading

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President Bush Was Ridiculed For His ‘If You’re Not With Us [Against Terrorism], You’re Against Us’

Dennis Prager said in his first hour today: "President Bush was accused of the doctrine ‘If You’re Not With Us, You’re Against Us.’ That was to do with terror, with the blowing up of innocent people. He was ridiculed by … Continue reading

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