Tag Archives: gil student

How Should Non-Jews Relate To God?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: In line with our recent discussion of religious diversity, I’d like to examine a particular contemporary view of religious pluralism in light of talmudic and midrashic sources — one attributed to Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan … Continue reading

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Creating An Intellectual Passover Seder

Rabbi Gil Student writes: To date, three Haggadahs have been published that purport to be collections of insights of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik: Haggadah Si’ach Ha-Gerid by his grandson, R. Yitzchak Lichtenstein; Haggadah for Passover With Commentary Based on the … Continue reading

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Turning The Hirhurim Blog Into A Book

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: "Response has been extremely underwhelming. What gives? Is it the choice of material? The price? Will the few thousand of weekly visitors only read if it’s free? I’ve decided to offer a 20% discount to all … Continue reading

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The Latest Issue Of ‘Tradition’ Magazine

Rabbi Gil Student writes: A new issue has been published of Tradition vol. 1 no. 4, Winter 2008: Homer and the Bible by R. Shalom Carmy — Criticizing those who try to impress and excite readers/listeners by being controversial. To … Continue reading

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Three Modes For Paying For Shuls

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes: In general, there are three basic models for charging synagogue dues: Flat Fee — The first is to make it affordable to just about everybody so that all members pay the same amount. Then, because … Continue reading

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