Tag Archives: rabbi

The Rabbi & The Documentary Hypothesis

From the Search For Emes: A guest at my house told me that a well known professor at a well known institution (sorry, can’t say who) told him that he asked a well known chareidi abbi (sorry can’t say who) … Continue reading

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Three New Regimes at LA’s Modern Orthodox High Schools

Jane emails: "Write about the 3 new heads of school in Modern Orthodox high schools – Rabbi Glass at YULA Boys, Rabbi Lieberman at YULA Girls, and Rabbi Weinbach at Shalhevet. Find out what students have to say about R’ … Continue reading

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Rabbi Ari Leubitz Protests China’s Role In Darfur Genocide

Three hundred people turn out to the protest, including over 100 activists, clergy, and politicians. They call on China to bring an end to violence in Darfur. As 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics begin Aug. 8, activists see a window of … Continue reading

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My Rabbi Weil Dream

I dreamed this morning that I was walking down Olympic Blvd. I saw Rabbi Weil and I tried to pass him unobtrusively but he yelled out, "Hey Levi, I may have misjudged you. Rabbi Lisa Edwards tells me you are … Continue reading

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Reclaiming Your Reputation Online: A Dialogue With Rabbi Mordecai Gafni

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