Tag Archives: orthodox rabbis

Orthodox Rabbis & Social Activism

Rabbi Gil Student writes:   I don’t recall where, but someone recently mentioned (perhaps in the comments here) that R. Haskel Lookstein had once declared that we should treat lettuce as non-kosher due to the treatment of farm workers. As … Continue reading

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Partisan Rabbi Claims To Be Impartial Investigator Of Agricprocessors

Failed Messiah reports: The co-leader of the rabbis’ staged visit to Agriprocessors, Rabbi Lerner claimed to be an impartial invesigator. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. We’ve shown that before. Here’s some new evidence of Lerner’s bias. … Continue reading

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Agriprocessors Is Only A Pretext

I don’t know any rabbi who’s taken a public position on Agriprocessors who’s done much work verifying the facts of the case and conducting a thorough investigation. Instead, Agriprocessors is a pretext. For the chareidi, it is another example of … Continue reading

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Shmarya’s Rogue Gallery Of Haredi Rabbis

He writes on Jewcy: Israel has no civil marriage or divorce, which means that every Jewish Israeli is at the mercy of the state’s rabbinic courts. During the past decade, ultra-Orthodox rabbis have wrested control of those state rabbinic courts … Continue reading

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Yay, Another Jewish Journal Cover Story On Gay Marriage

It feels like months since the last one. Julie Fax writes this week: While the advent of legal marriage for same-sex couples in California seems heaven-sent for some, for others it is yet another signal that earth is moving further away … Continue reading

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