Gersh Kuntzman: Major League Baseball must permanently retire ‘God Bless America,’ a song that offends everyone

Apparently columnist Gersh Kuntzman has recovered from the PTSD produced by firing an AR-15.

Gersh Kuntzman writes:

It’s time for God to stop blessing America during the seventh-inning stretch.

Welcome to the July 4 holiday weekend — when once again, baseball fans will be assaulted by the saccharine-sweet non-anthem “God Bless America” at stadia all over this great land.

But no matter which home team you root, root, root for, “God Bless America” should be sent permanently to the bench…

Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts…

“God Bless America” is as divisive as American politics: Kaskowitz’s research found that 83.8% of people who described themselves as “very liberal” dislike the song, while only 20.5% of people who called themselves “very conservative” have a problem with it.

And more than 88% of atheists dislike the song, Kaskowitz found. (Quick aside: We atheists also hate having “In God we Trust” on the currency and in the courtrooms of a country whose Constitution bars the “establishment of religion” — but that’s a fight for another day.)

…Fans of the actual other National Anthem!: Unlike “God Bless America,” the better seventh-inning song, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” captures the essential joy of American life: You go to a baseball game and you don’t care if you ever get back. And, sure, you root for the home team, but who cares if it wins or loses? You’re at a BALLGAME! With peanuts AND Crackerjack!

So this July 4, join me at the Church of Baseball by not rising and not doffing your cap for a song that is not the national anthem of a nation that is not uniquely blessed by some deity that doesn’t exist anyway.

If you want to thank God for blessing America, you can do it on Sunday in the other church.

Great! Another left-wing Jew wants to destroy the goyim’s national and religious identity. I am so glad that the goyim have even more reason to think of Jews as aliens in their midst.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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