Steve Sailer: Is #BlackLivesMatter Just a Jobs for the Gays Racket?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In Bonfire of the Vanities, Reverend Bacon, the Al Sharpton character, enlists the aid of Gay Rights groups to help stage protests against the NYPD and Sherman McCoy. Either this gay and black activist connection is a case of life imitating art, or this trend has been going on for a long time.

* Federal bling.

One city, one program, one payout. Over $837 million of that went to Nick Mosby’s Council district.

This is the direction that school districts and state colleges have been going for 30 years, accelerated in the past 15.

It represents a more rapid and intense federal transfer of wealth than ever. And nitwit minor celebrities like “Deray” making fat six figures “managing” “human capital.”

“Human capital”–that’s property, right? Like, you know, people as slaves?

* TPTB like to put a lot of blacks in school as it supports THE NARRATIVE. It brainwashes kids ata young age that blacks are intelligent and competent, when IRL they are the exact opposite.

One way they do this is by getting lots of black ‘doctors’ in school. Typically dumb and incompetent blacks get called ‘doctor’. It turns out blacks get bog standard BA degrees then do a PhD in education. These tend to be uber leftist, anti-White (((colleges))) where you simply write a Narrative essay. Kids don’t know that and assume ‘dr’ teaching them science actually has a science doctorate. BS.

Dance Moms is a prime example of this. Mother of the incompetent token black kid is ‘Dr Holly’. The other moms are alwats in awe of her, yet she doesn’t strike me as at all bright. Clearly just another smoke and mirrors to get impressionable White girls to worship blacks.

* BLM is just following in the path blazed by the Rainbow Coalition (although I guess that has gay overtones in its name) in shaking down various institutions and corporations in exchange for being exempt from criticism. My guess is DeRay was half hired because the morons in charge of the school system think an administrator of human capital could actually accomplish something and half because he’s not going to criticize the city from the inside.

If DeRay has the slightest bit of intellectual honesty and actually works at his job, he’ll come out of it hating the professional left and what it has wrought in once-great cities. I’m not holding my breath, though.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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