How Many Millions of Americans Were Internal Refugees from Crime?

Steve Sailer writes:

If fear of being a victim of crime qualifies you as a refugee, how many internal refugees did America suffer in the wake of the Warren Court and LBJ’s New Society helping launch a vast crime wave in urban America in the mid-1960s? How many displaced persons were there in America who get no sympathy in the history textbooks, or even are disparaged as racists engaged in the evils of White Flight?

Consider just one of Chicago’s 87 neighborhoods: Austin on the West Side, just east of Oak Park, IL. In 1960, it had 125,133 residents, almost all white. In 2010 it had 98,514 residents, almost none of them white. (Much of the once quite desirable housing stock has fallen into ruin under the newcomers.)

It would seem reasonable to say that 125,000 refugees were displaced by crime from the Austin neighborhood alone, although unlike Cristóbal, few of them were professional criminals themselves fleeing their former colleagues. Most were law-abiding citizens who fled Austin due to criminal violence against ordinary civilians like themselves, violence stoked by federal policies.

If there were 125,000 from Austin, how many displaced persons were there across America overall in this era? Five million? Ten million? Fifteen million?

I don’t know. Not too many people seem to know. It’s not the kind of history you are supposed to know about in 2016.


* When blacks get over a certain % things go downhill quickly. The same effect applies to Muslims. Below a certain % they are the best mannered. Then people think well of them. Then the % grows and jihad starts with the youth and the parents saying “we can’t control our children. They are doing these violent acts on their own.” Then the % grows and you have a Muslim country. This is a common thread of how they took over many countries.

* The Atlantic had an article maybe 10 years ago by Hanna Rosin on how the decision to de-concentrate poverty by demolishing a lot of public housing and giving residents Section 8 vouchers didn’t actually reduce overall crime but just spread it around.

Today HUD is pursuing enhanced vouchers so that holders aren’t hemmed in by the ‘fair market rents’ to which they are pegged and which are usually enough to pay for an apartment in lower middle class neighborhoods, but can instead afford to live in upper middle class neighborhood and suburbs. Coupled with the affirmatively furthering fair housing abomination, it seems that our betters are determined to ensure no one can get away from the least desirable elements of society.

So what’s next for stable middle and upper middle class communities that can look forward to an injection of vibrant diversity courtesy of HUD?

* If only the public had known the real Obama … “a street kid from Jakarta” with Muslim relatives and friends studying the Koran in an Indonesian elementary school, committed to multiculturalism, committed to massive immigration from “brown” and “black” countries, committed to the elevation of LGBTQxyz lifestyles to a privileged and protected status, and committed to economic globalization benefiting Third-World counties at the expense of the United States, he would not have been elected president.

I unfortunately “drank the Kool-Aid” that he was a Black from Chicago working to reconcile the historic animosity between the American White and Black communities. Voting for him was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and the end of my tolerance for the MSM. The MSM seems to have intentionally misrepresented or otherwise camouflaged Obama’s background. We are now seeing the same sleight-of-hand with the Hildebeast.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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