Gay Jesus & Jewish Hollywood

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I mean, EVERY year, right around Easter time, you can count on a major news magazine or newspaper doing a cover story on “the REAL Jesus.” That story will explain that Jesus was actually an Essene, a communist, a fraud who faked his death, a rebel who was killed and eaten by wild dogs, a madman, an atheist, a fictional character, a woman, a homosexual, a sorcerer… pretty much anything except the son of God.

Now, speaking as a practicing Catholic… it wouldn’t bother me a whit if Jesus WAS married. There’d be nothing shameful or sinful in a married Messiah having sexual relations with a woman he was married to. So, I’m not scandalized by suggestions that there was a Mrs. YEshua ben-Yussif. I just find it hard to believe none of the Gospel writers thought her important enough to mention, if she DID exist.

* Ms. Jesus was an in-your-face feminist affronting traditional values about gender, sexual roles, and the family. (What else could she have been?) Therefore, we discover that radical feminism has been a core feature of Western, Christian civilization from the beginning. We just didn’t know it. Now we know it. As good Christians, we will thereafter have no choice but to raise our daughters as good, Christian feminists on the newly discovered model.

But, there is a problem. Some of the newly found documents also suggest that Jesus was a homosexual. So what was Jesus doing with a wife? Maybe they had an open marriage and Ms. Jesus was a lesbian … you know, the kind where Jesus was with the guys and Ms. Jesus was with gals but they pretended they were married for appearance sake. Anything goes …. maybe Jesus and Ms. Jesus were not homosexuals. Maybe they were bisexuals. We’ll just have to dig deeper into the ancient texts to get a better take on what was really going on to sort this out.

The implications are enormous. When you think about it, it means that radical “diversity” has been at the core of Christianity and Western Civilization from the beginning. We just didn’t know it. Now we know it. Moving forward, anyone who touts traditional Christian values is a religious heretic who rejects the newly found and previously suppressed sacred documents. Traditional Christianity is now exposed as a long-standing patriarchal conspiracy that was designed to retcon history and eliminate the real Jesus, his feminist wive, and his socially progressive disciples from the historical record. We’re now setting that record straight.

At least it feels good to think these thoughts ….

* Hollywood is in the business of telling stories, pleasant or not so pleasant fictions … fictions are by definition not truth.
The absence of caring about Christian Morality might be a reflection of which groups write, edit, direct, produce and own the studios, choose the stories to be told and the stories that never get told.

* Deborah Solomon has established a popular weekly feature in the New York Times in which she snarkily interviews somebody much smarter than herself. The secret to her success: being ignorant and surly.

* Leftist, ahistorical feminists have so thoroughly pervaded all disciplines of academia that it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone (at least not Unz people) that a tenured Harvard Divinity prof like Karen King would prove to be completely intellectually dishonest. My SJW Radar is constantly alert to this type of thing…unfortunately.

So, it seems Karen L. King earns her keep at Harvard Divinity School via her “particular theoretical interests in discourses of normativity (orthodoxy and heresy), gender studies, and religion and violence.” The SJW alarm bells went off immediately upon learning of her authorship of books on ‘goddesses’ and ‘divine feminism’ in the church.

There’s an extremely amusing backstory to all of this further explained in Mary Kassian’s amazing books “The Feminist Mistake: The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture” and “The Feminist Gospel”.

* It’s depressing, though, that almost no Americans understand either why Saudis and Egyptians attacked them on 9/11 or why the USA invaded Iraq. Especially since both these questions have the same answer. [Israel.]

* Why, it’s almost as if she didn’t WANT to know the truth and her ideological agenda was more important to her than mere facts. Thank God that this attitude is not more widespread among leftists in our society, especially among those in high positions, or else we would be in real trouble.

* My favorite Rumsfeld bit was when some turmoil had taken place in Haiti, and he was asked if the U.S. had plans to send the military to Haiti. He said we had no plans, but then corrected himself, saying approximately, “Actually, we have plans for sending troops into every country who can think of, and a lot more that you couldn’t think of, but regarding Haiti right now, we have no plan to use any of our plans.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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