What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian?

Dennis Prager writes: Islam has never been a religion of peace. It began as a warlike religion, and throughout its history, whenever possible, Muslims made war on non-Muslims, from the polytheists of North Africa to the Hindus of India. A reported 60 to 80 million Indians were killed by Muslim invaders during the hundreds of years of Muslim rule there.
So, while the left would emphasize a murderer’s Christian faith, it denies that Islam plays any role in the vast amount murder, torture, enslavement, female genital mutilation, unparalleled subjugation of women and rape committed by people of the Islamic faith. Virtually every American and European student learns of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the Christian West’s role in slavery, but nothing of Muslims’ centuries of mass slaughter and vast enslavement of Europeans and Africans.
Why? Because the truth about Muslims’ historical record of violence would shine a light on the Christian West’s far-superior moral record. So the left employs a dual-sided tactic: portraying Islam as benign and Christianity as malicious.
I am writing this column in Rome, where I’m staying at a hotel located one block from the American embassy. The embassy is draped in an enormous gay liberation flag.
Three questions come to mind:
Why does the embassy have such a flag? Does it have any other giant flag besides the American flag on hand?
Are all embassies currently draped in this flag? For example, are the American embassies in Muslim countries draped in it?
My third and most relevant question is: Had a Muslim targeted and murdered scores of Christians, would any American embassy anywhere in the world be draped in a flag depicting the Christian cross? In fact, in light of the one and only ongoing genocide in the world, that of Christians in the Middle East by certain Muslim groups, why aren’t American embassies draped with a flag bearing a cross?
We all know the answer.
Christians must be portrayed as villains, not victims.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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