Trump & The Judge

From the Chateau: Some Mexican–american judge is set to rule against Trump in a lawsuit concerning Trump U. Trump went to the samizdat airwaves to claim, rightly, that the judge’s Mexican heritage means there’s a really good chance the judge could not be impartial in his ruling.

Commenter Rum cogently explains the essential truth of Trump’s charge against the judge, and how that truth is becoming truer in our polyglot, Babelling post-nation. For this brilliant insight, Rum walks off with the coveted Chateau COTW.

“DTs recent comment about the judge overseeing one of the lawsuits he is dealing with struck me at first as being off-key.
He repeatedly called the guy a “Mexican” although he was born in the US and is, of course, a citizen.
And there is the fact that challenging the fitness of a judge on the basis of heritage or personal politics has long been considered out of bounds.
Then it occurred to me. Yes, that would be out of bounds in a coherent nation state. But what if we now live in an emerging multi ethnic empire? That is a very different thing.
I think that DT is throwing down another gauntlet. He is saying, in effect, “Reverse the move toward being a multi-ethnic empire or we (his supporters) will start acting on the premise that the USA actually is one.” That is, “white” people will begin to manifest concern for their explicit self interest just like any other group.
In other words, the meaning of “we” changes when an historic nation state turns into something else.
He is calling their (the elites) bluff.


Trump is playing the long game, and the elite don’t know how to respond except with recourse to their tired, worn-out quiver of empty smears: racist, sexist, pro-white-ist. All it took was one man with brass balls to, as Rum wrote, throw down the gauntlet and shove the consequences of a multi-muddy third worldifying America into the faces of the effete white libfags who claim to admire their grotesque creation. Let them choke on it.

As for the details of the Trump U case, a judge having nonWhite genetic lineage isn’t necessarily disqualifying from ruling on cases in which the defendant has expressed tacit pro-White America feelings, but it is surely a leading indicator that the judge will rule in a biased manner, consistent with the natural, emotional tribalistic baggage he autonomically brings to the court.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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