Chaim Amalek: ‘When Moshiach comes, every day will be like an inner party.’

Chaim Amalek: “And no, the goyim will not be invited to attend. They will have their own, inferior parties, but ours will beat theirs because at ours, we will learn torah all day long.

“The only woman I ever met in New York who could be called a racially conscious White woman with a nationalist outlook was mentally ill. She heard voices in her head. Voices that she claimed were of alien reptilian invaders from outer space. Yep, for the racially conscious white man, the pickin’s are pretty slim. But the women are not.”

I email a Jewish friend Yggdrasil’s review of Eyes Wide Shut.

He responds: “I used to read him years ago. Is he still publishing new stuff? I thought he retired or stopped posting stuff? With the changes in the white identity/white nationalist movements in the past couple years, is he still relevant?”

Luke: “I think he has retired but I think his work is still relevant. What would you say are the important changes in the white nationalist movement the past couple of years?”


I think that much has changed.

The old line “intellectuals” including William Pierce, persons such as Yggdrasil, Willis Carto, Tom Metzgar, David Duke and Edgar Steele have either died, retired or been pretty much bankrupted or marginalized.

Certainly we have never lived in a time where racism or anti Semitism engenders such a vitriolic public reaction as now.

However, privately, more and more whites are aware of the disparity in criminal behavior, educational achievement and interracial crime emanating from non Asian minorities against whites. The ubiquity of cell phone cameras and the willingness, primarily of blacks, to post acts of violence they film on the web and the ability of whites who are the victims of this violence to communicate it to others via the internet, means there is a vast number of persons who are exposed to this but who used to rely on the mainstream media as honest gatekeepers.

It is on this contradiction between what information persons see they are allowed via typical television and newspaper reporting and what they see unfiltered on the web that spurs newer and younger white identarians.

I don’t know how many persons read Steve Sailer, but I definitely sense his influence is growing, probably because of his association with Unz rather than running his own blog. I often see themes he has raised being repeated, without attribution by Ann Althouse, Glenn Reynolds, and even Powerline.

None of these persons wants to be associated with Sailer, because they know that will allow at least some of their readers to dismiss what they have to say, however, there are some persons, such as Rod Dreher, who does cite Sailer.

It would be easy to dismiss the Alt Right as direct descendants of David Duke, but the writers and thinkers under the alt-right umbrella are smart enough to know that would allow critics to “point and sputter” and dismiss them as mere knuckle dragging racists. Instead they focus on scientifically sound and empirically established racial differences ranging from athletic ability to IQ. They are willing to discuss that different cultures have different values and that different cultures have a right to practice and enforce their values in their home countries, but that the United States is a powerful country at least in large part because of its culture and they don’t like this culture to be subordinated to cultures with antithetical values.

The issue of Jews is one that divides many of the white identatarians. You see that for yourself. On the one hand you have Kevin MacDonald and the whole Occidental Quarterly crowd who clearly believe that Jews are (to reduce it to its basest terms) a parasite that in a healthy host thrives, but then like a true parasite, gradually weakens and hollows out the host until it collapses while the Jews move on to a new friendlier host. Others, such as yourself, recognize and condemn the power of Jews for their failure to recognize that it is in their best interest to keep the host strong even if it means allowing the host’s culture to dominate.

Which way the dominant thinking in the Alt Right goes will be very important both for the future of the Jews in America and for America itself.

A guy like Milo is a diversion. He is a good writer and very intelligent, but his power rests in his willingness to challenge PC norms. I seriously doubt that many in the Alt Right think that the way he tries to avoid being labeled a racist, that as a gay man he enjoys sex with black men, carries much weight. Instead the Alt Right enjoys the way the left responds to his provocations.

I am concerned that with the passing of Phil Rushton, Arthur Jensen, that there are fewer young scientists who are willing to follow in their footsteps and face ostracism. It is important for the sake of intellectual freedom and scientific advancement that taboos on race related studies be shattered.

I hope that Trump whether he wins or loses will force American politics to deal honestly with the issues of the impact, economic and social, of unrestricted immigration and also to deal more honestly with the issue of what sort of assimilation will be required of Muslims who want to come to America.

I hope that Trump will also lead more Americans to understand that what may be good economic policy for the elite does not translate to good economic policy for the rest of us. This is a variation of the old Wall Street v Main Street divide among the Republicans, although now it applies to Democrats as well where the elite can espouse free trade (formerly a Republican provision) open borders, social justice and environmental justice, and provide a sufficient welfare state to hold the loyalties of the poorest, while squeezing the middle class. (Steve Sailer’s war of the high/low against the middle.)

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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