If Immigration Is Your Issue

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* If immigration truly is your go-to issue, then Trump obviously should be your choice in November. No one, repeat NO ONE except Trump brought up the issue last summer. Cruz certainly wouldn’t have if Trump wasn’t in the race.

Cruz has had nearly six yrs to make immigration his signature issue, talk about building a wall on the TX border, etc. and he has not done so. Which demonstrates how little he truly cares about the issue until Trump came along and made it his own.

No candidate in either party would’ve been devoting much attention at all to the issue at large until Trump made it his own. So if that’s your main issue you can thank Donald Trump for raising it in the primaries since no other candidate did to the extent that he did.

Also, Senator Jeff Sessions, US’s immigration patriot has endorsed Trump. That should tell you something. He’s worked closely with Cruz and other Senators on the issue. He knows which ones are fakes and which ones are genuine on the issue. Yet when push came to shove, he endorsed Trump and not Cruz. Very very telling.

* Trump just gave an amazing speech in which he emphasized an America First policy on trade, immigration, and foreign policy. He spoke of protecting American workers from immigration. I was very impressed.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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