ADL: Anti-Semites Spearhead Attack Campaign Against Jewish Journalists

ADL: White suprema­cists and anti-Semites have been bom­bard­ing Jew­ish jour­nal­ists with anti-Semitic tweets, par­tic­u­larly if the jour­nal­ists have been crit­i­cal of pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump or his fam­ily. Anony­mous tweet­ers whose back­ground is unknown have also joined in the attack. julia ioffe tweet stripes

Jour­nal­ists such as Julia Ioffe, Bethany Man­del, Jonathan Weis­man and Ben Shapiro have all been tar­gets of this cam­paign. Many of the tweets fea­ture Holo­caust imagery. Yel­low Jew­ish stars with the word “Jude” are super­im­posed on the pic­tures of these jour­nal­ists. There are also dis­turb­ing images of con­cen­tra­tion camps and ovens directed at the jour­nal­ists, as well as car­toons depict­ing anti-Semitic stereotypes.

While the actual iden­tity of many of the peo­ple send­ing the offen­sive tweets can’t be deter­mined, at least two well-known neo-Nazis have bla­tantly attacked Jew­ish jour­nal­ists online. In a recent blog post, neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin went after Weis­man, a New York Times reporter, who received an avalanche of anti-Semitic tweets after men­tion­ing the anti-Semitic cam­paign against Ioffe. In an ear­lier blog post, Anglin had also encour­aged his fol­low­ers to troll Ioffe on Twit­ter after she wrote a pro­file of Mela­nia Trump for GQ magazine.jonathan weisman tweet auschwitz

Anglin derided Weis­man for pub­li­ciz­ing the hate­ful tweets directed at him. Anglin alleged that Jew­ish jour­nal­ists like Weis­man and Ioffe had pro­voked the wrath of white suprema­cists. But Anglin went fur­ther, prac­ti­cally declar­ing that there is a war on with Jew­ish jour­nal­ists. He wrote, “You’ve all pro­voked us. You’ve been doing it for decades—and cen­turies even—and we’ve finally had enough. Chal­lenge has been accepted.”

Another neo-Nazi, Andrew Auern­heimer–also known as “Weev”–tweeted at Weis­man, “Get used to it you f—ing kike. You peo­ple will be made to pay for the vio­lence and fraud you’ve com­mit­ted against us.”

Anglin and Auern­heimer are both adept at pro­pa­ganda. Anglin uses his web­site, The Daily Stormer, to attack Jew­ish jour­nal­ists and other Jews and encour­ages his fol­low­ers to troll them online. Anglin him­self was banned from Twit­ter after he ran a pro­pa­ganda cam­paign with fake tweets about the Klan com­ing to the Uni­ver­sity of Mis­souri fol­low­ing some racial inci­dents at the school. Auern­heimer is a well-known hacker who this year sent fly­ers adver­tis­ing The Daily Stormer to dozens of print­ers located at uni­ver­si­ties across the country. ben shapiro tweet jude

Both Anglin and Auern­heimer are known fig­ures who have used social media to attack Jews, but there are legions of anony­mous Twit­ter users who are exploit­ing the Inter­net to carry out these anti-Semitic cam­paigns against Jew­ish jour­nal­ists. While white suprema­cists used to pro­mote their anti-Jewish pro­pa­ganda on extrem­ist forums and ran­dom web­sites, they are now able to main­stream their hate on sites used by mil­lions of peo­ple and eas­ily recruit oth­ers to join in their efforts.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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