Steve Sailer: Another BLM Fiasco: White Bicycle Cop in Baltimore Acquitted


Comments posted at Steve Sailer:

* Freddy was a slip and fall scam artist. And his family won the ghetto lottery, they got a six million dollar payout from the city.

* Too many Blacks try to resist or escape arrest. While trying to do so, some of them get killed. This was such a case.

* The narrative just keeps breaking down. The Freddie Gray case was initially packaged by the MSM as another example of police brutality against a harmless black citizen. Just the predictable type of incident the DNC house organs of the MSM like to headline during an election year, designed to stoke the sense of grievance and alienation among the black community so they’ll get good and fired up to turn out in force in November and vote for you know who. Except…. half of the cops involved were black, which mirrors the racial composition of the Balamer PD. Also, the mayor, the chief of police, the DA, and the judge who acquitted Nero are also black. The first trial (of a black officer) ended in a hung jury. Now the second trial has resulted in an acquittal. Hmmm – maybe it’s time to flush this egregious example of racial injustice down the old memory hole.

* The Baltimore Sun website has several “banners” that divide the home page into sections.

There is a “National News” banner, a “Maryland News” banner, “Sports”, etc.

They have had an entire “Freddie Gray” banner section for “in-depth Freddie Gray coverage” on their website every day since the incident occurred.

Think about the absurdity of devoting an entire section of the newspaper, every day, for over a year, to this pathetic case.

* Without looking it up, I think that the left vs. right terminology arose during the French Revolution. At that time the people who called themselves the left were anti-clerical, in many cases astheist. The right was religious. That’s still true. So there is some consistency to these terms.

200 years ago the right was associated with monarchy and the aristocracy. Those things are almost entirely gone from Western political life – that was a victory of the left.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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