Trump Supporters Unleash Anti-Semitic Tweets at NY Times Editor

Such delicate sensitive souls all shocked and horrified by the hate.

If you love good, you hate evil. If you love your people, you hate their enemies. That’s how the world works.

A Torah Jew does not pay attention to such things as racism and bigotry. He doesn’t worry about anti-Semitism.

I’m probably a bad person for saying this, but I’m kinda glad that few people are paying attention to the bigotry slur anymore.

I love how the following story ends, congratulating Weisman for stepping away from his Twitter experiment before he loses his mind. Since when has confronting people who hate you a likely cause of insanity? Only if you are a delicate flower.

Looking at these tweets, it is easy to think that the enemies of the Jews are morons. That would be a mistake. White nationalists have messages for people at different IQ levels.

(JTA) — New York Times editor Jonathan Weisman is clearly familiar with the anti-Semitism of some Donald Trump supporters in the Twittersphere. So maybe he shouldn’t be surprised by the reaction to his own tweet calling them out for it.

But it’s hard not to be a little shocked.

On Thursday, Weisman referred to Trump’s wavering renunciation of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke back in February, Melania Trump’s justification of the anti-Semitism unleashed on reporter Julia Ioffe for her GQ profile of the would-be first lady last week and Sheldon Adelson’s recent appeal for Republican Jewish leaders to support the presumptive GOP nominee for president — all in less than 140 characters.


Weisman’s tweet caught the eye of “Cyber Trump,” who proceeded to bait the Washington, D.C.-based Jewish journalist into a response.

After the exchange made waves in the Twitterverse, the anti-Semitic deluge only got far, far worse. Weisman retweeted the responses.

Some took notice and attempted to throw Weisman a life preserver.

But Weisman ultimately had to check out, presumably lest he go off the deep end.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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