This was a joke at a top five law school:
A students become law professors.
B students become corporate lawyers.
C students become judges.
D students become contingency lawyers and drives Mercedes and out-earn them all.
Graduates of the top law schools don’t become contingency lawyers.
* Orthodox friend has a teen kid with four chickens. The big black chicken is called Queen Latifah. The black and white one is Oreo. The two small white ones are named David and Duke. “There’s a huge under-current of racism among the youth, particularly the boys,” he reports, “as a reaction to all the anti-racism propaganda they get.”
The kid loves Donald J. Trump and loves to post on 4chan about the various racial face shapes.
* A while ago, a friend of mine gave me a huge job recommendation: “Once you get past his personality dysfunction, he’s a brilliant guy and can do anything you need.”