Why Does Immigrant Cathy Young Hate America?

From PaulTown: The following is a response to Cathy Young’s Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitism Runs Deeper Than You Know:

Why does Cathy Young, a Russian Jew immigrant formerly known as Ekaterina Jung, hate America? One would think somebody escaping the Soviet Union would have a little more respect for the people that let her in. Unfortunately, she seems consumed with hate for her host country.

America was created by and for white people. While this is an indisputable fact, Cathy plays Talmudic word games.

“Israel was founded as an ethno-state (though it is worth noting that a quarter of its citizens are not Jewish); the United States of America was not.”

There is a slight case to be made that America wasn’t founded as an “ethno-state” because a few different white groups were involved. Unfortunately for the elderly Young, she is not very quick on her feet, and bungles this simple-minded obfuscation when she says Israel was founded as an ethno-state.

You see, under Cathy’s autistic and disingenuous definition, Israel wasn’t founded as an ethno-state. “Jewish” is not an ethnicity. Ashkenazi is an ethnicity. Shepardim is an ethnicity. Does this then mean that Israel should be open to all? Of course not, and only an enemy of the country would advocate for such destructive open-door policies.

If America wasn’t founded as an ethno-state, than neither was Israel. Sorry, Ekaterina Jung, but that’s just basic deductive reasoning.

The best country in the world to be a Jew is the US. While older and more historically experienced countries in Europe are understandably wary of and hostile to foreign ethnic influence, America embraces Jewish individuals with gusto. Jewish success within media, finance, and law are well known and often a source of pride for the few Republican Jews that exist. Why Cathy wants to ruin this relationship is humorously puzzling.

White Americans aren’t in Israel pushing to undermine the Jewish people and their homeland. Why are Jews like Cathy trying to do that to America? Does she fear that a discriminatory immigration policy that favors Europeans and selects against parasitic groups will quickly turn against her and her co-ethnics? That seems quite paranoid. One must conclude that Young believes Jews to be an objective net negative on gentile society. If that’s the case, Cathy should stop being a rabid Jew hater. There is no room in America for hateful people like her.

In summation, Cathy Young is not particularly intelligent. When confronted with basic facts, she panics and throws out meaningless slurs like “anti-Semite” or simply lies her way around the truth. While some have made a handsome career out of nepotism and these dirty tricks (Ben Shapiro springs to mind), Young has remained a minor player without much influence. Cathy’s permanent almost-relevance is the fate of many midwits.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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