Taylor Swift Is An Alt-Right Pop Icon

Milo writes: That’s probably the closest I’ll ever come to writing a BuzzFeed headline. But it’s true! Taylor Swift does have a sizeable and very vocal fan club within the alternative right.

At first glance, there’s nothing much that separates Tay-Tay from a bog-standard, instinctively progressive pop star. She’s a feminist, her music videos are filled with twerking, and her lyrics are often about sex. Surely, any self-respecting alt-righter would reject this as the product of late-capitalism’s decadence and degeneracy?

Not quite. The Daily Stormer, home of the alt-right’s ultra-radical and race-preoccupied “1488” contingent, has an entire category devoted to Swift. One post praises her as the “Nazi Avatar Of The White European People.” Another worries that she may have “Succumbed To the Merchant.” (They mean Jews.)

The majority of the alt-right use Hitler memes and mock antisemitism primarily to provoke and troll Establishment types. But even the worst elements follow Swift with the obsession of a teenage schoolgirl.

Considering the alt-right’s fondness for your present correspondent, a less well-informed observer might be led to conclude that the movement is awash with sublimated camp and repressed homosexual urges. Alas — I guess? — not so. Dig beneath the surface, and the origins of the alt-right Swift obsession becomes clearer.

Let’s get the obvious stuff out of the way. Swift is very white and very blonde. She was born on, and grew up in, a Christmas tree farm in rural Pennsylvania. You heard me right: a Christmas tree farm. Little wonder the tradition-oriented alt-right are swooning.

Swift doesn’t look like other pop stars, who are either white people acting black or black people who seem to get whiter every year. She appears more comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t go in for racial ambiguity.

Beyond race, Swift is an icon of quintessentially American culture: she didn’t originally pursue pop music but got her start as a country star, a genre typically associated with white southern conservatives. Very problematic!

As alt-right blogger Margot Metroland explains:

The Pennsylvania girl was quickly embraced as a teenage country star, and treated as the embodiment of healthy Southern values. Nice old Presbyterian ladies in Buckhead, sorority girls at SMU, UDC chapters in Richmond and Spartanburg—they all found out who Taylor was in jig time, and bought her records, followed her love life, learned the names of her cats.

According to Metroland, this wholesome country-girl image is something Swift continues to nurture.

No cone-shaped bras or other Mediterranean slut-gear for our Tay; she does like to bare her midriff (good abs from those classes at the ModelFIT studio) but never-ever does she show her navel. A very odd entry indeed in the female pop-star tourney.

She has a point. Compared to her peers in the Babylon that is modern pop music, Swift has kept her aesthetic… well, decidedly conservative. She wears long dresses, eschews piercings, and, as Metroland points out, carries her handbag like a 1950s housewife. Most people miss those little details, but the alt-right does not. They’re convinced she’s signalling.

Swift isn’t very forthcoming about her political or religious views, so fans are kept guessing as to where she really stands. However, at the peak of her country music days, she performed at the Republican National Convention. Somehow I doubt Miley Cyrus would do the same.

The alt-right can be given to conspiracy on occasion — hardly surprising, given how often they are lied to and about — and the thought that Swift is covertly “red-pilled,” concealing her secret conservative values from the progressive music industry while issuing subtle nods to a reactionary fanbase, delights them.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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