Trump & Sanders Win Again

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The Republican Presumptive Nominee keeps racking up even bigger victories.

The Democratic Presumptive Nominee keeps losing primaries?

* Trump is sitting pretty and looking good with everyone he needs except suburban women…Hillz and the Dems supporting her sure have a lot of dangling swords to worry about. They have to hope for:
No serious charges in her email scandal, that Russia doesn’t leak hacked emails from her server to swing the election, that no Muslim terror attack(s) happen, that her health holds up, that Bernie can be put to bed and the Super delegates don’t suddenly switch, that the bernouts don’t chimpout at the convention, that Obama gets on the ship, that Trump doesn’t loudly start demanding the Jeffrey Epstein sex tapes sitting in Florida be checked for Bill’s appearances, that her various 80s interviews talking about freeing a guilty rapist as a trial layer don’t surface, and, finally, that her various speeches to wall street pledging allegiance aren’t leaked…Am I missing anything?

* To be fair to Ted Cruz though, he does much better in states that don’t indulge this antiquated custom of holding elections.

* Remember: Trump’s a shark. He’s also future obsessed in all of his thinking (like all the best real estate people). He’s also a longtime reality TV star who can’t be branded by the msm. Essentially he’s the opposite of George W Bush.

Remember: Hillary is the weakest candidate since Dukakis. Media screams about Trump’s problem with women meanwhile Hillary is getting trounced with men voters.

* And yet Trump only got 74.6% of the aggregate Republican vote. That means the transgendered block must have broke hard for Cruz.

By the way, World War T is getting pretty real in North Carolina. Can’t wait for the Nullification Crisis of 2016 over the Toilet of Abominations with North Carolina replacing South Carolina from 1832 Nullification Crisis. Just further proof that Trump is our Andrew Jackson reincarnate.

* Does Trump have anything to worry about?

* If his expectations are comfortably low (losing in a landslide while facing years of legal problems from the dirt his opponents will have dug up on him), then I think he has nothing to worry about, because anything that happens could only improve his chances.

* But while Trump’s negatives right now are higher, they are *not* as locked in. They are based on (my guess):
— history as bombastic TV showman
— his rude remarks (about appearance and such–unappealing to a lot of women)
— media attacks as “Hitler”
Trump can’t change his TV history, but people can re-evaluate how relevant it is. He can avoid nasty remarks that are not on substance or Hillary’s actual incompetence\sleazy dealings. He can carry himself as a crusader, fun, lively, tough, hard hitting–but a more presidential one.

Most of he can take on the “Trump is Hitler” thing. I can imagine a single response on the immigration question at the 1st debate:
— Hillary thinks our college graduates are getting too many job offers at too high pay, so they need more foreign competition
— Hillary thinks our low-wage workers are getting paid too much, so they need even more illegals crossing the border to compete with them for jobs and keep their wages down
— Hillary thinks her rich WallStreet buddies funding her campaign aren’t making enough money and American working people are making too much, so we need more foreigners coming in to keep wages down and profits up.
— I don’t think any of that crap. I’m a rich guy who actually *loves* America and Americans. I think American jobs *belong* to Americans. I think high wages are good–prosperity for Americans. I think *honest* businessmen can make a profit without importing cheap foreign labor. I think our economy–and business–can roar ahead with higher wages for hard working Americans and prosperity for all Americans … not just Hillary’s sleazy WallStreet and Washington cheap-foreign labor loving cronies.

Trump realistically probably only has one great chance to flip the perception and win it–the first debate. But I think something like that above would do it.

My key point: Hillary is the *known* bad choice. Trump still has the opportunity to frame himself as a good choice.

* Queen Hill has to have a POC on the ticket to keep the circular firing squad from breaking out, which it’s going to do after her in any event.

* Interesting meme by Obama, the “you didn’t build that” thing, or in this case the “you just lucky if you be successful” thing. Notice how he keeps coming back to this. How is it that no one calls him on this, which is in fact a full-throated endorsement of HBD. Why don’t they “Watson” him, I wonder.

By logical extension he’s saying that of course the “blank slate” is a myth, and if you’re lucky enough to be born to a high-IQ family, you basically have it made. Success is expected – and not of your own doing, being merely a consequence of your (dare I say it) superior IQ.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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