Washington Post Editorial: ‘Iran’s ‘moderates’ and the Holocaust’

Washington Post: “AT THE heart of the Obama administration’s diplomatic engagement with Iran is the notion that the regime is divided among hard-liners who foment its terrorism and regional aggression and more moderate forces who are open to cooperation with the West.”

That’s nonsense. At the heart of any American regime relationship with another country is self-interest, other known as real politic. Who the good guys and the bad guys depend on circumstance. At what time, Stalin was our ally and then he was our enemy.

Right now, America tilts more towards Saudi Arabia than it does towards Iran, but that could change quickly.

Iran’s regime will mock the Holocaust as long as that is in its interest, as long as that shows it fighting the good fight against the moral claims of Jews and the Jewish state. If Jews make the Holocaust the moral crucible through which all foreign policy questions must be decided, then groups with different interests will have incentives to mock the Holocaust. For many, perhaps most, American Jews, the Holocaust is their primary religion.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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