Jewish Journal Drags The Bottom Of The Barrel To Publish More Rants Against Donald Trump

The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles will reach for anything and anyone to try to bash Trump. It’s pathetic, like this op-ed by attorney Yoni Fife (warning, it’s almost unbearable to try to read more than a paragraph or two, it’s just execrable writing and reasoning and snottiness on display):

I can no longer consider myself a Republican

I certainly have not identified as a conservative and a Republican because it was fun or a helpful way to ensure that I was the most popular person in the room. I remained a proud Republican in spite of asinine, indefensible positions my party advocated or articulated over the years… Prop 187, a nuance-free pro-life stance, “f**k-the-Jews-they-don’t-vote-for-us-anyway,” a foolish, dangerous, destructive and counterproductive approach to drug laws and their enforcement, a flat rejection of LGBT rights, an aversion to tax increases of any kind regardless of the state of the treasury, and financing off the books and on credit the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – wars I believe were just and necessary, though poorly managed and executed – all come to mind in this context. None of these were great ideas. None of them were easy to defend to my family and friends. But, through all of that, and more, I remained a member of the party.

When did he graduate high school? 1998? If so, he was in seventh grade in 1994 for Prop. 187, so what is he complaining about?

This guy apparently is very difficult to please. See the New York Times from 2011:

“Yoni Fife, a Republican, said the current field did not impress him.”


Yoni Fife, 31, a lawyer and the lone Republican and McCain voter in the group, finds himself unmoved by the current Republican candidates, who he said were “way away” from where most American Jews were on social policies.

A reader tells me: “Yes, between him and Ben Shapiro they obviously were Republicans not only in utero, but pre utero when they stuffed envelopes for Barry Goldwater and manned phone banks in 1966 for Ronald Reagan.

Not only is Fife incoherent, but he fails to disclose his very real investment (pun intended) in not upsetting the status quo.”

Nicholas Stix tweets: “I guess it’s like the #WashingtonPost, with its weekly “Trump=Hitler” feature. They had a quota to fill. He makes anti-Semites look sensible. It IDs the mook as a lawyer. I hope he doesn’t do trials. His closings [would] put juries to sleep.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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