Massacring Natives Is Usually Necessary To Take Over A Land And Develop Your Own Civilization

In the Torah, God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the original inhabitants of Canaan so they could take it over and develop their own civilization.

Whites had to do the same thing in America and Australia.

There’s rarely an alternative.

Israel won’t be safe until it has destroyed its enemies. Most Israelis wish that all Palestinians disappear.

In nature, you don’t find two subspecies in the same place. One always wipes out the others.

The races are subspecies.

Cal Flyn writes in Australia: The massacre at Warrigal Creek was one of the bloodiest episodes on the very bloody Australian frontier. In all, somewhere between 80 and 200 Gunai people were slaughtered that day in July 1843, wiping out in a ­single assault a substantial portion of the southern Bratowooloong clan. The leader of the Highland Brigade, Angus McMillan, was a Scot who had fled the horror of the Highland Clearances, during which thousands of his ­countrymen were forced from their land to make way for sheep, only to re-enact brutal clearances of his own upon this new land: Gippsland, the south-eastern corner of ­Australia. McMillan was a tough, pious and lonely man. A man who had struggled through miles of unknown territory, built new homes with bare hands, met tribes who had never seen or even known of white skin. He was a man who cut tracks, felled trees, shot strangers dead.

He was the “Butcher of Gippsland”. He was my great-great-great uncle.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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