List of Bitter “Conservative” Losers Who Say They Will Never Back Trump

Report: Here is the full list the Hill Reported.

Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.)

Gov. Charlie Baker (Mass.)

Glenn Beck, radio host

Michael Berry, radio host

Max Boot, former foreign policy adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)

Brent Bozell, conservative activist

Jay Caruso, RedState

Mona Charen, senior fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center

Eliot Cohen, former George W. Bush official

Former Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.)

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (Fla.)

Steve Deace, radio host

Rep. Bob Dold (Ill.)

Erick Erickson, writer

David French, writer at National Review

Jon Gabriel, editor-in-chief,

Jonah Goldberg, writer

Rep. Richard Hanna (N.Y.)

Doug Heye, former RNC communications director

Ben Howe, RedState writer

Former Rep. Bob Inglis (S.C.)

Cheri Jacobus, GOP consultant and former Hill columnist

Robert Kagan, former Reagan official

Randy Kendrick, GOP mega-donor

Matt Kibbe, former FreedomWorks CEO

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.)

Bill Kristol, The Weekly Standard editor

Mark Levin, radio host

Dana Loesch, radio, TV host and writer

Kevin Madden, former Mitt Romney aide

Tucker Martin, former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s (R-Va.) communications director

Former RNC Chairman Mel Martínez (Fla.)

Liz Mair, GOP strategist

David McIntosh, Club for Growth president

Ken Mehlman, former RNC chairman

Tim Miller, Our Principles PAC

Katie Packer, chairwoman of Our Principles PAC

Former Gov. George Pataki (N.Y.)

Former Rep. Ron Paul (Texas)

Katie Pavlich, Townhall editor and Hill columnist

Brittany Pounders, conservative writer

Rep. Reid Ribble (Wis.)

The Ricketts family, GOP mega-donors

Former Gov. Tom Ridge (Pa.)

Rep. Scott Rigell (Va.)

Mitt Romney, 2012 GOP presidential nominee

Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post conservative blogger

Sarah Rumpf, former BreitBart contributor

Mark Salter, writer and former aide to John McCain

Rep. Mark Sanford (S.C.)

Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.)

Elliott Schwartz, Our Principles PAC

Tara Setmayer, CNN analyst and former GOP staffer

Ben Stein, actor and political commentator

Stuart Stevens, former Romney strategist

Paul Singer, GOP mega-donor

Charlie Sykes, radio host

Brad Thor, writer

Connor Walsh, former digital director for former Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.)

Former Rep. J.C. Watts (Okla.)

Peter Wehner, New York Times contributor

Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.)

Rick Wilson, Republican strategist

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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