A Personal Disclosure

From the Age of Treason blog in 2010:

I have generally avoided discussing details of my personal life on this blog. I don’t wish to change that, but there is something I feel obligated to divulge.

My wife’s father was an ashkenazi jew. He died when she was young but was by all accounts a loving, intelligent, and productive man who was not involved in stereotypically jewish politics or activism. My wife was not raised as a jew, though she is of course genetically 1/2 ashkenazi, and thus our children are, on average, genetically 1/4 ashkenazi.

I have not previously written of this for several reasons.

When I first started blogging in 2005 it seemed no more relevant to what I was thinking and writing than any other detail of my personal life. At that time I had no explicit racial awareness. I knew little about jews and considered them “white”. People who thought otherwise seemed insane to me.

In 2007, with a deepening understanding of globalization and immigration, and especially neo-conservative hypocrisy (Sailer’s “invade the world, invite the world”), I began to violate PC in earnest. I became racially aware. I realized then that my wife and children’s jewish heritage was relevant, though at that time I saw it only as a potential shield from smears of “anti-semitism”. I did not use it then for the same reason I have never resorted to “some of my best friends are…” defenses. Such tactics are a distraction, ultimately a waste of time and energy.

Since 2007 I have come to appreciate the biological and psychological differences between Whites and jews, as well as the history of jewish aggression and malfeasance against Whites. What I had seen as a shield turned into an achilles heel. I cared less about offending jews and more about offending fellow Whites. My self-regard shifted from confidence to unease.

I love my family. What I want stands. I can’t roll back time and make this revelation sooner, but I can at least be forthright about it from here on.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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