Trump Wins New York

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* These primaries with real live voters appear to be a Trump strength.

* Sanders’ chance of winning the Democratic nomination–with this loss– is now zero (barring a Clinton indictment or early death from a coughing fit).

Kasich got 1-in-3 votes of New York Republicans which is surprising since Kasich has facial ticks, pulls his mouth and has other characteristics associated with the use of neuroleptic drugs or possible brain injury or lesion.

Before voting for Kasich I’d like to see a hard copy of a SPECT scan complete with a white matter study and an expert evaluation of his general synoptic functioning and central nervous system cerebral fluid assay.

* Donald Trump is killing it with New Yorkers who pronounce coffee as cawfee, but too bad they are a minority of New York City’s population today. There are way too many 3rd world immigrants and transplant gentrifying hipsters from other parts of the country in that city who do not remotely have a New York accent.

When Fox News went to interview Donald Trump supporters at a diner in Staten Island, they all have very heavy New York accents.

* Orthodox Jews are much more narrowly focused on Israel, and all Trump’s shenanigans are bound to annoy religious people.

* Trump victory speech.

He’s a winner, look at him. He’s 69 years old; impresses like he’s a strong 49. This is a great man. Look closely, men like this don’t come along very often.

* Cruz only won in certain Hasidic Jewish neighborhoods in Central Brooklyn where votes are often determined by powerful Rabbis. It is clear that the Orthodox understand the Cruz is the most pro-Israel candidate. Kasich wins in the richest neighborhoods in Manhattan. Pretty clear the Log Cabin Republicans are behind Kasich with his wins in the West Village, Chelsea and Hells Kitchen. Otherwise, Trump wins among blue collar Whites. Trump won Chinatown…

Still, to put it all in perspective, the Republican vote in NYC is paltry and, not to put a damper on things, but the Republican slate collectively lost to Bernie in NYC.

* The Left Wing media is painting Hildabeast as the color blind there is only one race the Human race candidate and Donald Trump as the race card hustler who traffics in racial identity politics.

* There seems to be some kind of network order at Fox that all on-air women dress like Las Vegas cocktail waitresses. Year-round, warm and cold seasons, they all wear mini-dresses and stiletto heels, and they are strategically seated so their legs are on camera.

It’s F-ing brilliant!

It took me awhile to realize most of them aren’t bimbos. They’re just dressed like they are.

Again, it’s F-ing brilliant television designed to boost ratings with horny men on the right like me. I enjoy it even more because it’s so obvious — and shamelessly designed with me in mind.

* I saw a Somali/Ethiopian/Eritrean looking man today on the streets with a Black Lives Matter t-shirt. He was with a woman who was wearing a burka. It was hard to tell if she is his mother, sister, female cousin, girlfriend, or wife because it was impossible to see what she looks like with her being entirely covered up.

Apparently women’s rights don’t matter to him as much as Black rights do. Race always trumps gender with Blacks.

* I also noted the many long legged blondes behind Trump. There are worse things in life, no? They were either Trump daughter- in-laws or his actual daughter. The creepy consigliere was likely Carl Paladino, a Buffalo Republican power broker. New York Republicans are often slim pickings.

Trump’s new advisor is Paul Manafort who is Connecticut Italian not Buffalo Italian. Manafort means “strong hand” in Italian, which admittedly, is pretty cool.

* Donald and his boys get the girls. That’s why there tend to be “long-haired beauties in the background.” They’re members of his family and his friends’ families. They’d be standing by you if you were lucky enough to get what you wanted. Be honest.

As for the “creepy consigliere,” have you seen some of the chiefs of staff our presidents have hired? Powerful people hire mean gatekeepers. They need them.

Hey, I realize what a cliche it looks like too, but I think we’ve been so castrated in this country that we can’t even recognize what masculine success looks like anymore.

* I doubt it’ll be a contested convention at this point. Trump is easily going to sweep the rest of the Northeast and California.

Cruz is only popular in uber-white states that have a lot of religious fanatics, and his home state of Texas.

Cruz’s problem is that the evangelical brand in politics is completely discredited after the epic failures of Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Educated suburban Republicans probably aren’t going to vote for Trump, but they aren’t going to go for Cruz either. They’ll vote for Kasich, letting Trump slide to a bunch of winner-take-all victories.

* Kasich had a lot of PR help from FoxNews that has went out of it’s way to give the guy lots of positive air time. They can make a turd look like a Rolex watch.

Trump has had no real positive PR from the get go. The entire establishment went nuts on him for not following the agenda. He’s been called everything from a racist to Hitler and Stalin(but never Mao) and relentlessly attacked by the GOP and even the Pope.

In terms of Kasich’s appeal, it seems to be to the protected or country club class of Republicans, socially and economically isolated from the ravages of immigration and globalization, they are baffled and terrified of Trump’s appeal to people they detest. After all everything is going great for them so what’s the problem?

* Those that sow the wind, will reap the whirlwind.

The Democrats cannot count on the identity politics monopoly forever, they aren’t facing the usual GOPe this time. Trump is perfectly placed to play divide and conquer with the “coalition of the ascendent “.

Trump single handedly weakened Hillary’s best selling point, Bill. Without Trump, Bernie would not have lasted this long.

I think he will hit hard on her Wall Street ties, to maximize the blue collar vote. To a lesser degree, he will get better margins with Jews, Asians and blacks. I further expect black turnout to drop if Hillary doesn’t name Cory Booker as her running mate. The far-left also doesn’t like Booker, and I don’t see Hillary naming Julian/Joaquin Castro. Texas will not be in play. I expect either Booker or Sen. Tim Kaine of VA. Kaine is fluent in Spanish. A really desperate move would be Sen. Donnelly of IN, who used to be a Blue Dog.

NY is not winnable in the general, unless Hillary is indicted.

If not for his errors in the 2004 debates, Bush might have won CT and NJ narrowly. He was polling around 55%, which is about the most that anyone can get in our current system.

The real deal is that PA will be seriously contested, something that the Democrats have not had to do in the past two elections. That’s tens of millions of dollars that can’t be spent in Virginia and Ohio.

Illinois is reachable, depending on both sides VP picks.

If the Berniebros are disenchanted, Oregon is also within reach as it was in ’00 and ’04.

* The sad thing is the MSM never shows what white masculine male success looks like. If they show a masculine male, it’s always some idiot black rapper with his ‘hos, a thuggish black athlete and once in a while some namby-pamby asexual Silicon Valley billionaire with a beard.

I think it all changed when Hollywood killed off the white action adventure hero in the 90′s and replaced them with odd ball roided out minorities like Wesley Snipes,Vin Diesel or Dwayne Johnson and a raft of females ass kickers.

The fact that 007 is played by a blond Englishman is just amazing, though I suspect he’ll be the last white, straight male in that role.

* All Trump needs is a mediagenic Muslim terrorist attack anywhere in the Western world, in the month before the election. It’s a lot easier to create a false flag Muslim terrorist attack than to prevent a genuine one. Or… a NAM riot.

He may not need either of these things, but they will certainly help.

* Trump was never going to win NY but neither will any other Republican. NY is like CA lost to the GOP forever.

The GOP has to decide what they want more, power or more immigrants to satisfy the demands of businesses that want cheap labor. It can’t have both.


* I am constantly amused by those Cruz supporters out there who like to tout his brilliant legal mind as one of his assets. This alleged brilliance of his has never appeared in reality. Every argument I’ve ever heard him make has been illogical and preposterous, including this one. Consider:

Ted Cruz asserts that with Trump as the Republican nominee, we lose the general election, even with Cruz at the VP slot. And yet Cruz would also like to make us believe that he would win the general election against Hillary, despite the fact that Trump has far and away more voters and more momentum than he has. So this amounts to saying that Cruz is so popular that he can win the general election (despite not being able to win his own party’s primary), and that Trump is so unpopular that he would poison the Cruz campaign in a combined ticket (despite the fact that Trump has abundantly more voters and delegates than Cruz does).

This is ridiculous. Either Cruz is incredibly stupid, or he thinks we all are. It’s probably some combination of the two. People who go through life convinced of their own brilliance, who have never had to work in the real world (like Ted Cruz), develop these sorts of supercharged, solipsistic egos whereby they become convinced that they can bowl everyone over by the sheer force of their intellect, and they no longer need to pay attention to factual accuracy or logic.

This is what gives Ted Cruz his creepy, psychopathic personality. That is why none of his colleagues or coworkers can stand him. This is why he carries on with his hopeless campaign despite the fact that he has no path to victory. And this is why it is absolutely unacceptable to vote for Ted Cruz under any circumstances. He is not the lesser of two evils. He IS the two evils. He combines the elites’ fecklessness and globalism with Hillary’s blind personal ambition.

And in light of all this, I would not say that Cruz’s Evangelical Protestantism and his “true Constitutional conservatism” are all an act. Rather, Cruz epitomizes precisely what these two cultural currents are really all about. Evangelical Protestantism is phony Christianity for stupid, self-righteous Pharisees, and “Constitutional conservatism” is snake oil for well-connected lawyers and bankers, i.e. crony capitalism. Cruz is guilty on both counts.

Donald Trump is the only man who stands for normal Americans. He is the only man who takes reality into consideration when crafting his policies. He is, in other words, the only real politician in the race and the only one who fits the true definition of conservatism, viz accepting and affirming the perennial facts of existence. May God bless and preserve Donald Trump, and guide him to victory in 2016. Amen.

* As for Bernie, Ron Unz’ darling, he may win a majority of delegates but still lose narrowly due to Hillary’s super-delegates, that is, if Hillary does not suffer a fatal or serious seizure before November , which is likely. She looks like a goner, trust me on this. Just look at her eyes and expression. When older people are about to die, they give a certain vibe and she’s giving all the signs.

* The Hillary supporters I’ve talked to like the fact that she’s been around the levers of power for awhile as First Lady, then a senator, and then as Secretary of State. She also seems reasonably bright, more detail-oriented than Sanders or Trump.

Hillary seems like the perfect establishment candidate–if you like the ruling class consensus policies we’ve been pursuing for the last couple decades, here’s a reasonably experienced and competent representative of the ruling class, ready to continue those policies.

Foreign policy missteps that get Americans killed and destabilize countries are entirely acceptable within that framework–it’s just part of the game, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, etc. Powerful people evading the rules in ways that would get less-important people jail time is similarly fine–all that fits in the ruling class consensus. Cozy relationships with big banks and the financial industry, again, totally in keeping with how the ruling class likes things.

I think the support for Sanders and Trump (and to a lesser extent for Cruz–he’d be the wild-eyed radical candidate in an ordinary election year) comes overwhelmingly from people who don’t like how the ruling class consensus is working out. That probably also drives Sanders’ and (even more) Trump’s vagueness on policy details–it’s easy to get agreement that we’ve been making a mess of things, but hard to get all the unhappy-with-the-ruling-class types to agree on many policies.

* I am in the UK but sat in a rail replacement bus with my girlfriend we both had a laugh at the dweeb in the couple behind us. He was desperately trying to gain favour with the woman by repeatedly stating that he supported Hillary because it’d be great to have a woman in charge. Her replies were along the lines of don’t be ridiculous and were absolutely flooded with disdain.

I say they were a couple but I doubt they were romantically linked. He clearly wanted to but was a tragic specimen of a 40 year old man. My girlfriend who is apolitical found his voice repulsive.

Another Hillary supporter, a friend, says the same thing, but then he also claimed to me that an action cannot be the right thing to do if it benefits you, even if it benefits everyone as well. He was brought up by overbearing Christian/feminist parents! Yes, that is a thing somehow. He had to play with girls’ toys when younger and eats his feelings to a terrible extent.

Finally, I am related to a semi Hillary supporter. She supports her because she projects her own aggrandised self image onto Hillary. That is pretty much how she makes all judgements about people though. It isn’t the most healthy thing lol but she is a wonderful person when you get past the solipsistic narcissism.

And that is that. 2 x awful repressed beta fools because she is a women and 1 x narcissistic woman because she is a woman.

So it is all primarily because she is female and that is undergirded by the fact that she is the conventional frontrunner. Sheep for the very most superficial form of identity politics! Goodbye Western civilization. Hillary will not be the cause but she is a blatant and somewhat harmful symptom.

* As a Gen-X guy, I realize this election is our last chance to even potentially save the America of my youth. Already the majority of school kids is non-white. There are more people eating taxes than paying taxes and our debt and unfunded liabilities are absurdly beyond any ability to pay them. As a native Detroiter, I have lived what the rest of you are going to see. Living in South Florida now, I’m again ahead of the curve and experiencing what the rest of you will experience in a few years to come.

And so we have Donald J Trump, a cartoonish character in a rational world, as our only hope. Every other candidate represents more immigration, more government crony giveaways in trade deals, more exporting of American industry, and more bigger government. They quibble merely about how fast they will sell out what remains of America’s founding stock. And Mr. Trump, the cartoon character, cannot stop himself from saying things that, in our imaginary rational world, would get him laughed off the podium. But this Trump is the *only* candidate presenting any policy positions that would reverse our steady 50+ year accelerating collapse. Only Trump might shut down the immigration invasion. Only Trump might reverse our suicidal trade policies. So my last hope for America, my only hope, is a guy whose demeanor I find buffoonish (his business success notwithstanding). If the Repugnant-Cons manage to keep Trump off the ballot, I’ll either shred my ballot like I did four years ago or vote for any third party candidate who manages to get on Florida ballots. Voting for freaky scary dishonest religious fanatic and Canadian anchor baby Rafael Eduardo Cruz is a non-starter just as voting for the old Socialist or the old criminal crony.

And every time I think about the America I inherited, I loathe more and more my grandparents (especially) and my parents who set the disaster in motion in the 1960′s.

* Cruz is a very smart man, but it would be foolish to vote for him. Sometimes life is complicated like that. It’s like the hottest girl in school being a bitch or like delicious food being bad for you. Try to fit two contradictory emotions in your head at the same time. It’s not that complicated and it can sometimes be useful.

Trump is less intelligent than Cruz, and has a smaller store of knowledge, but his policies would be much better for America, and indeed the world. There could be lots of reasons for this. Cruz has to serve his donors while Trump self-finances and has a talent for getting free media. There are special kinds of foolishness that only smart people fall for. It could be something else.

How do I know that Cruz is smart? It’s his tone of voice, his general demeanor. That stuff is unfakeable. A smart person can play dumb, but a dumb one can’t play smart. Cruz is a classic smart nerd.

* “How do I know that Cruz is smart?”

How else did Cruz get this far? Good looks? Winning personality?

* The seizure in public is not an impossibility. When I see her viperish glare whenever Bernie timidly reproaches her, I realize that she’s never had anyone oppose her on anything for the last 20 years. Her psyche is totally unprepared for the barrage of abuse that Trump will lay on her during the general. He will dress her down like an unsatisfactory employee, and I think that it’s better than even odds that her brain will start stutter-stepping and she will vapor-lock on stage.

Alternatively, if she reaches her limit during a debate, she might start throwing things at The Don, the way she used to chuck lamps at BJ Bill. I don’t know whether the seizure or the temper tantrum would have more amusement value.

* I don’t think Reagan was much of a policy geek either. If you have the right instincts, you can tell right away whether a proposal is some sort of veiled socialism or not and cut right thru the BS. Democrats love programs with 1,000s of pages of laws and regulations and Hillary will bore you to tears with her mastery of all the little twists and turns. But the thing as a whole will amount to a steaming pile of statist crap.

United Health, one of the biggest health insurers, announced today that they are getting killed on Obamacare and are pulling out of the market in most states. Young suckers (oops make that people) were supposed to buy coverage to balance out all the older sicker people who signed up with pre-existing conditions, but it didn’t happen. Statistically, most people in their 20s and 30s without pre-existing conditions are healthy as horses and have little need of expensive health care plans – some kind of catastrophic coverage to deal with black swan events is all they really need. They will pay into Obamacare far more than they can expect to take out (which was the plan all along). Allowing people with pre-existing conditions to sign up is like allowing people to place their bets on the roulette wheel after it has come to rest. Every one of them is a guaranteed winner at the ins. co’s expense.

* I hope that when Trump gets in, the SPLC and ADL can get audited for four years straight. For best results, appoint David Duke as a consultant to the audits.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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