Why Do Blacks Vote For Hillary?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I think the best explanation is that blacks vote what they know. Low information voters take a very long time to absorb something, and if you haven’t been talking about yourself all over the national stage for years, blacks don’t have a clue about who you are. Bernie hasn’t been boasting about his civil rights record since the 1960s like Jesse Jackson. He’s concentrated too much on local Vermont politics, and he’s seen as a Vermont politician, not an American politician. By contrast, Hillary has been all over the US media since the 1990s.

* The useful description is “Coalition of the Fringes.” Democrats tend to run even or win from everyone outside the American core of married white people.

The different constituency groups don’t actually like each other.

Because of political correctness and civil rights nostalgia, it’s impossible for a candidate like Bernie Sanders to say “I’m not going to bribe black pastors to get votes, like the Democratic establishment does.” So instead we’re getting code words like “Deep South.”

* Lawrence Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations:

Here’s the First Law expressed well in its three main variations:

1. The worse a designated minority or non-Western group behave, the more they are praised and their sins covered up.

2. The worse a designated minority or non-Western group behave, the more racist it becomes to speak the truth about their behavior.

3. The worse a designated minority or non-Western group behave, the more their behavior must be blamed on white racism.

* I attended a talk given by Paul Gottfried who said that the alt-right is the only real opposition to neo-conservatism and that paleo-conservatism no longer has much relevance. He also said that Trump has forced the neo-cons to confront the illegitimacy of their dominance of the conservative movement. However, he feels it’s going to be very difficult to unseat them.

* Separate white and black countries in North America will be the equivalent of putting Ghana next to Switzerland. There’s a reason that there’s very little black nationalist sentiment: at some subliminal level blacks know that they’re dependent on whitey to keep things running. Whites “going their own way” is the ultimate black nightmare: there’ll be no one here but us!

* Blacks are overwhelmingly hostile to the idea of white separatism. The idea that whites should be kept away from non-whites (or allowed to keep themselves away from non-whites) so they can’t racissly oppress them any more doesn’t fool blacks for a second. You’d think there’d be the occasional moment of cognitive dissonance if this stuff was really subconscious, but no.

* Blacks are conservative only in the sense that they don’t pretend one man shoving his phallus into another man’s lower digestive system is anything to celebrate.

* Jews are similar in many respects, but candidates don’t seem eager to push them around. Why? Their financial clout and their solidarity. If white males had the same solidarity, all these SJWs, diversitycrats, feminists, and cuckservatives would shut their mouths.

Heck, as recently as the late 80s (when white racial solidarity was moderately strong), you really didn’t see much anti-white male agitation, except for fringe elements. In that era, even liberal Democrats, like Mondale and Dukakis, weren’t into white male bashing. Of course, in that era, there were lots of Frank Rizzo Democrats in the party. Not so much these days.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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