The Terrible Problem In The West

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The terrible problem in the West with the likes of Merkel is their dressing themselves in the clothes of compassion and boastful morality has flooded their thinking; forgetting that all others will make their opportunistic calculations on the basis of cold, hard reality. She and all others who cannot make the necessary tough actions against third-world invaders and much else should go flutter their deeply destructive altruisms elsewhere.

Isaiah Berlin on Machiavelli:

“If you object to the political methods recommended because they seem to you morally detestable, if you refuse to embark upon them because they are, to use Ritter’s word, ‘erschreckend’, too frightening, Machiavelli has no answer, no argument. In that case you are perfectly entitled to lead a morally good life, be a private citizen (or a monk), seek some corner of your own. But, in that event, you must not make yourself responsible for the lives of others or expect good fortune ; in a material sense you must expect to be ignored or destroyed.”

* Merkel is simply the worst Chancellor in German history. Yeah, i know that’s supposed to be a high unreachable bar. But it’s not.

Hitler merely killed a *lot* of people. An utter disaster for *individuals*, millions dead, incredible pain and suffering. But at the end of it … Europe was still there. Russia, Poland with millions dead … still there. Even Germany was still there. Borders moved a bit but Germany was still Germany. Even the Jews, who Hitler had mass murdered by the millions with genocidal intent–still had their race intact and actually were motivated to go create their own nation. Come say 1950, Europe was intact and recovering, all its races and nations intact–if some under the thumb of the Soviets. Again immense *individual* pain, suffering and death … but races and cultures and nations intact.

Merkel in *one year* has permanently altered–screwed up–Germany. When assessing the damage forget about Germany’s nominal “80 million”. What matters is reproduction. These refugees are mostly young reproductive age and overwhelmingly male. They’ll either later bring in matching young women or impregnate German women, squeezing out German men. Germany has only about 5 million men in their 20s. Cohorts behind in the teens are even smaller. But let’s be generous and say Germany’s current “coming into breeding” generation has about 10m men.

Realistically Merkel has already introduced a 10% foreign element–and she’s not done. Even if people are fed up and get rid of her and close the border later this year … she’ll have replaced 20% of Germany’s population with a foreign, culturally alien, hostile population. And one that will reproduce *faster* than Germans. She’s done to Germany, something actually greater in magnitude and effect to what African slavery did to the US–and in one year! For *no purpose*!

People just have their heads in the sand on how incredibly terrible this is, how incredibly evil our “elites” are. The future of the West is being destroyed right in front of our eyes. Even Hitler could not accomplish such destruction.

* No, she only slightly accelerated changes that have been taking place for the last 30 years. If anything maybe we should be thankful that Merkel has laid the problem so explicitly bare.

If you lived in Germany in the late 1970s, as I did, and then returned 30 years later, the profound demographic changes were already obvious and dismaying. People like Theo Sarrazin have been warning about the consequences of Germany’s immigration policy for a decade. By pushing the immigration issue to the forefront instead of following the drip-drip strategy Germany had been following, Merkel may have inadvertently done Germany a favor. Without Merkel’s blunders would the AfD have become a major political force? Would an anti-immigrant party have taken power in Poland? Would Brexit have a chance of succeeding? Probably not. A wiser and more evil politician than Merkel would never have created a crisis that might be the Right’s last chance.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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