A Cuck Does The Right Thing


Comment: Someone on pol posted this image with a backstory. Allegedly, this “undercover” mudshark was in a relationship with the white guy pictured. Unfortunately for him, she was also fucking her black yoga instructor on the side. He was cucked for 9 months until the child was born. One can only imagine how he must have felt when the mystery meat baby came popping out. He has since cut all contact with her (smart move) and she has been shunned from the majority of her own social circle.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* My fiancee works in the state’s bureau of child support enforcement (she hates most of the conniving women she has to deal with daily, and does what she can to help out the guys…lest anyone suspect I’m involved with a Feminist harridan), and according to her, the law in South Dakota (and several other states) is that if you are married to a woman at the time she gives birth to any given child, that kid is legally your responsibility. DNA evidence is simply irrelevant.

* The number one priority for saving civilization, is fighting back on “diversity” and specifically ending the immigration insanity that is fixin’ to simply destroy the nation. But that’s required to even have a chance–sort of just treading water.

After that, if conservatives are actually going to roll things back and have a shot at saving Western civilization, they are going to need to face up to and reign in the destruction unleashed by empowering women to loot men.

– Default to 50-50 custody and no-child support. By default each spouse has the kids half the time and pays for them during that time. No money changes hands. End the financial incentives for women to blow up their families. Blowing up your family *should* be painful. If a women stops having sex and taking care of her husband … she shouldn’t expect to see a dime of his paycheck. And she has no right to deprive him of his children. Either spouse blows up the marriage–50-50 for everything.

– Mandatory DNA testing. Dads don’t pay for kids that aren’t theirs. Period.

– No paternal responsibility for children outside wedlock (unless a signed contract). Re-establish marriage as the norm for raising kids. If a woman wants paternal support, she should damn well convince some guy to marry here … then have his kids. (If a guy, wants to assume parental support–great. But there should be no assumption of this outside marriage. Women are supposed to be “responsible for their bodies” which includes not getting pregnant.

Do those three things and i think the ship would start to right itself pretty darn quickly.


For guys like me who were around–as kids–when2nd wave feminism was gathering steam, one of the claims voiced was that it was just women asking to be responsible for their own lives. The image projected was that women were going to be free of male control, but in turn were going to give up the feminine privileges of paternalism and simply be responsible for themselves. Being young and clueless … it sounded pretty reasonable–freedom and personal responsibility.

(Yeah, i know, it now sounds terribly naive to have given that any credence!)

Needless to say … that isn’t how it’s turned out. Rather women have been empowered to do whatever the hell they feel like doing …. and feel entitled to have men pay for it–alimony, child support, welfare, soft government jobs, mandatory birth control coverage, morning-after (or even months after) “rape”, affirmative action, etc.

The promised era of women actually taking *responsibility* for themselves seems as endlessly far off and ethereal as the mirage in the desert.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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