Chuck Woolery – Hollywood Conservative

Chuck Woolery tweets: “If you haven’t noticed, #Europe is collapsing, Economically, Socially, under Liberalism and #Diversity. Yes I said it. DIVERSITY. We’re NEXT.”

His Twitter bio: “Hollywood Conservative, Love Connection Host, Back in Two and Two, Fisherman, Navy Vet, Political Activist. Restart Congress Founder. Term Limits Revolution.”


* Liberals say diversity is good. But cultural diversity means every culture having a different goal leading to national chaos.

* This should be a one issue election. Do you want to preserve the American republic?

* #Diversity means chasing down the last white person. #Diversity is a codeword for #WhiteGenocide.

* Why does extreme #Multiculturalism only apply to #America and #Europe? Japan, India, China, Russia are #laughing

* It isn’t diversity, it is multi-culturalism. Too broad of a divide between western and muslim ideals.

* Name one nation that thrived after accepting and endorsing homosexuality. You can’t.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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