COPS: Fields’s BF Used Family Ties To Push Prosecution, Video Confirms Secret Service Report

Charles Johnson writes:

New video evidence confirms that Michelle Fields was, in fact, told to back up by Secret Service during that infamous Trump rally in Jupiter, Florida.

  • has two different police sources that have told us that Michelle Fields’s boyfriend Jamie Weinstein and his family have been pushing Palm Beach County authorities to prosecute Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
  • Sources within Fox News and in the conservative commentariat that Weinstein is pushing them to cover the story in a way favorable to his girlfriend despite little evidence to substantiate her claims.

    Weinstein’s family are large Republican Establishment donors in Palm Beach and have subsidized Weinstein’s journalistic career (such as it is). Weinstein himself is very pro-Marco Rubio. (We’ll get into that in a moment.)

    We are also told that the Clinton-supporting prosecuting attorney is loathe to bring actual prosecution given the new evidence unearthed from journalists like yours truly, Michael Cernovich, Mister Metokur, and a host of other researchers and bloggers.

    Additionally we’ve heard from sources within Fox News and in the conservative commentariat that Weinstein is pushing them to cover the story in a way favorable to his girlfriend despite little evidence to substantiate her claims.

    Sean Hannity eluded to Weinstein’s efforts the other day on his radio program. (We’ve asked both Tucker Carlson and Jamie Weinstein for comment)

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    Hannity revealed on his radio show that @Jamie_Weinstein & his Duke-Lacrosse-Whore-Style gf @MichelleFields are livid he won't lie for them

    — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) March 30, 2016

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    Unhinged nerd wuss hoaxer @Jamie_Weinstein was badgering Hannity at 3 AM last night to start shilling for his & @MichelleFields's hoax.#tcot

    — Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) March 30, 2016

    Weinstein, you may recall, was the first person to tweet out about the Lewandowski-Fields contretemps.

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    Trump always surrounds himself w thugs. Tonight thug Corey Lewandowski tried to pull my gf @MichelleFields to ground when she asked tough q

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) March 9, 2016

    The facts have also supported my initial claim that Fields was wearing high heels when the incident supposedly took place.

    And new cell phone video evidence shows that Michelle Fields was told by Secret Service to back up as David Martosko of the Daily Mail reported. Watch the first part of this video to see for yourself.

    Federalist writer Sean Davis, who got the Eric Garner story wrong and whose business partner is a serial plagiarist, has gone into overdrive to try to discredit the Daily Mail’s David Martosko.

    Martosko, for his part, went on the Blaze Thursday with serial fraud and tax cheat Dana Loesch to discuss his sourcing for his claim.

    Martosko makes a great point in the Loesch interview that Fields wasn’t wearing a press credential and that while he had been to maybe 100 Donald Trump rallies and events he had only seen Fields at three events.

    Martosko also suspects that Fields wasn’t wearing her press credentials and may not have had them. (The campaign only gave out press passes and trusted journalists who were covering the events to have their own lanyards.)

    We’ve put up that video here and left some of the ad that was put up because you know, we could really use a lawnmower.

    Note how Fields isn’t wearing a press credential while Weinstein is. Hmmm…

    Screenshot 2016-04-02 15.44.09

    Where is Fields’s press credential?

    Jamie Weinstein has long supported Marco Rubio for president and repeatedly pushed for him on the Daily Caller and in his tweets. His efforts to derail Trump on the eve of the Florida primary should be seen in this context.

    Like his pro-Rubio, anti-Trump segment on CNN on February 26.

    Screenshot 2016-04-02 15.29.01

    We could go through this with a fine tooth comb of Weinstein’s Twitter feed but my personal favorite? This one.

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    Two things Dick Morris told me in greenroom today: Rubio done and Sanders can win Dem nom. So it looks like it will be Rubio vs Clinton.

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) December 23, 2015

    There are a few others worthy of note, en passant.

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    @TheRealFixNow @RichardGrenell I think I've been generally fair. Rubio most electable/likeable, Cruz strong on policy, Jeb most accomplished

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) March 23, 2016

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    You have to conclude Trump thinks Cruz one-on-one is better for him than Rubio staying in race by way he keeps calling for Rubio to drop out

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) March 6, 2016

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    Ideally for Cruz, Rubio & Kasich wld team up w

    him.Cruz support Kasich in Ohio & Rubio in FL to try to stop Trump from getting delegates 2/3

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) March 9, 2016

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    @McCormackJohn I agree. But if I were Cruz, I would try to boost Rubio in FL instead of challenge him to deny Trump those delegates.

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) March 7, 2016

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    BOZO .@Jamie_Weinstein coaches #rubio on #cnn then writes about it

    — John Stanton (@Johnps302) February 29, 2016

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    On CNN panel, @Jamie_Weinstein suggested Rubio should mock Trump's short fingers in next debate and watch him melt.

    — Jacob Kornbluh (@jacobkornbluh) February 26, 2016

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    Love what Rubio is doing. Effective? Who knows? But worth a shot!

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) February 26, 2016

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    The blueprint is there to create a Rubio-Trump one-on-one race. It's not that hard to do:

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) February 24, 2016

    Weinstein pushed the lie that Ted Cruz was for legalization to back his preferred candidate of Rubio.

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    Very disappointed in @Jamie_Weinstein. Cruz was NEVER for legalization. You sounds like a Rubio hack.

    — Right Scoop (@trscoop) February 23, 2016

    He kept insisting that Rubio was electable all throughout February and into March.

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    REUP my take from last night's debate: Rubio Charms, Ted Cruz Harmed

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) January 29, 2016

    Weinstein and his family and his late father have long used their money to further Weinstein’s journalistic career, going so far as to pay for a booker for Weinstein personally. More than once he stepped in for a segment where I was invited to speak on television. (Frankly I thought he did me a favor. I hate television.)

    Looks like the Weinsteins are getting their money’s worth.

    The best publicity money can buy?

    The best publicity money can buy? doesn’t begrudge a man his father’s money but it is relevant because it’s opened a lot of doors for Weinstein professionally and by extension, Fields, as Weinstein dotes on his dear darling girlfriend.

    Weinstein has also had dinners with our presumed betters in our imperial capital. The dinners, dubbed the Churchill dinner, have featured luminaries like the soon-to-be neocon king Senator Tom Cotton. This is an influence play, pure and simple.

    The thirty-something Weinstein is no great talent but he fancies himself a wit and vanity published an e-book with Will Rahn, the son of Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan.

    Weinstein brags in his father’s eulogy about how well the Weinsteins knew Dick Cheney and that his father could have purchased another Ferrari but chose to take his children and grandchildren around the world instead.

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    I lost my father 8 months ago, but I remember him everyday, Father's Day or not. Here is my eulogy to him:

    — Jamie Weinstein (@Jamie_Weinstein) June 21, 2015

    I’m sure that the Weinsteins never, ever hired an illegal immigrant at their numerous businesses.

    There is a clue in an obituary as to the family fortune.

    Weinstein, who was the son of Russian immigrants, graduated from Syracuse University in 1956 and before joining his family’s garment business and overseeing its growth to 11 factories on the East Coast. He also had significant commercial and residential real estate holdings.

    Theme parks and real estate holdings and garment businesses that only hire American citizens, of course.

    Colleagues of Weinstein describe his almost Pavlovian support for illegal immigrants and amnesty during their time at the Daily Caller. They suspected his support came from his family ties and wealth.

    Weinstein with his father.

    Weinstein with his father.

    He also wears really expensive shoes at Breitbart’s CPAC party. No judgment but I wonder if they come in my size? Perhaps a touch too flamboyant, though.

    weinstein shoes sources in the police community have historically been among the best in the media. We were the first to report that the shooting in San Bernardino and to report a whole slew of things about violence in the #BlackLivesMatter movement. If you’re a police officer with an interesting tip, please email me at [email protected]

    I’ve reached out to Tucker Carlson and Jamie Weinstein and will update this should I get a comment from either man.

    I’m not sure why Tucker has allowed Weinstein to misbehave in this way. Could it be because of the Weinsteins closeness to the Cheneys — Tucker business partner Neil Patel was a Cheney aide? Or could it be because Weinstein has personally shelled out to pay for his travel and his access, access that benefits the Caller on television?

    I do know that Carlson was once cross with me when I called attention to Weinstein’s father wealth when Weinstein was spreading some nonsense about me on the Twitters. Weinstein and I struck a gentleman’s agreement but he has violated the terms of it as of late.

    Tucker is a good man and he has a fine nose for hoaxes so why hasn’t he weighed in here?

  • About Luke Ford

    I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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