Will Larry Summers Take the High Road or the Low Road in Fighting Political Correctness?

Steve Sailer writes: As I’ve been saying for a long time, the crucial “swing vote” not in numbers but in influence are ethnocentric center-left Jews, such as Larry Summers. For example, the continued growth of political correctness, diversity, and, lately, BDS on campuses presents them with a dilemma over what’s good for the Jews: taking the high road and defending freedom of speech for all, even whites, or taking the low road and doubling down on insisting that Jews are the biggest victims of them all?

Larry Summers writes in the Washington Post.

Larry Summers: Colleges have become hypersensitive to racial prejudice. Why not anti-Semitism?

By Lawrence H. Summers March 31 at 10:13 AM

Lawrence H. Summers, the Charles W. Eliot university professor at Harvard, is a former treasury secretary and director of the National Economic Council in the White House. He is writing occasional posts on Wonkblog about issues of national and international economics and policymaking.

Larry was also president of Harvard U., but I guess we don’t talk about that anymore …

… It has seemed to me that a vast double standard regarding what constitutes prejudice exists on American college campuses. There is hypersensitivity to prejudice against most minority groups but what might be called hyper-insensitivity to anti-Semitism.

At Bowdoin College, holding parties with sombreros and tequila is deemed to be an act of prejudice against Mexicans. At Emory, the chalking of an endorsement of the likely Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, on a sidewalk is deemed to require a review of security tapes. The existence of a college named after a widely admired former U.S. president has been condemned at Princeton, under the duress of a student occupation. At Yale, Halloween costumes are the subject of administrative edict. The dean of Harvard Law School has acknowledged that hers is a racist institution, while the freshman dean at Harvard College has used dinner place mats to propagandize the student body on aspects of diversity. Professors acquiesce as students insist that they not be exposed to views on issues, such as abortion, that make them uncomfortable.

Larry feints toward the high road:

As I have discussed in the past, this is in my view inconsistent with basic American values of free speech and open debate. It fails to recognize that a proper liberal education should cause moments of acute discomfort as cherished beliefs are challenged.

Larry actually tried debating feminists using masculine social constructs like facts and logic back in 2005 when he was president of Harvard, but how’d that work out for him?

So, he doubles down on the low road:

But, if comfort is elevated to be a preeminent value, the standard should be applied universally. Unfortunately, there is a clear exception made on most university campuses for anti-Semitic speech and acts. …

Instances of anti-Semitism by this standard are ubiquitous in American academic life. …


* Jewish elites will just double down. Remind everyone that Jews are eternal victims. Continue to push the sacralization of the Holocaust. And, even more importantly, remind non-Whites that there is no percentage in going after Jews. Do it, and grants and donations will dry up.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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