Will Ireland Give Away Their Land To Immigrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* If the contemporary Irish I’ve met are any indication, the Irish seem intent on giving away their country in a few years. Tiz a puzzlement.

If you’ve fought for something for about a thousand years and finally get it, you should immediately throw it away, that’s what I always say!

* Knowing the character of Irish people – particularly the lower type of Irish people, I doubt if this immigrationism of the past few decades will work out well.

If one cares to remember the horrific deaths of those two unfortunate plainclothes British Army corporals in Belfast back in 1988, then that gives you some sort of idea of what the Irish are capable of.
Indeed the character and behavior of the Irish are a constant theme running through the English reportage and literature on the subject for centuries.

* You’re right about the political-economic effects of Ireland as a safety valve for inhibiting wealth concentration within England. This allowed for the development and maintenance of the yeomanry – independent farmers with relatively small landholdings – the precursor to the modern middle-class. Of course it also had the effect of inhibiting the formation of a yeomanry in Ireland. Ireland became organized into huge estates owned by absentee English landlords and worked by Irish tenants, most of whose labor output would go to rents, with little left for wages. Whereas for the yeomanry, labor output is returned to the yeoman himself as his wage. This is why Ireland became a hotbed of Royalism. Thomas Wentworth, the infamous Earl of Strafford, was a staunch Royalist and favorite of King Charles and had gained his fortune in Ireland through basically graft after he was appointed as an administrator for the Crown there. By exporting this sort of thing to Ireland, England was protected from it, which set up the Royalist vs. Parliamentarian conflict, as Parliament’s base was the yeomanry and minor gentry of smaller landholders. Wentworth himself, after serving the Crown and acquiring a huge fortune for himself in Ireland, ended up being executed by Parliament, whose base grew in power because guys like Wentworth were off in Ireland predating over there rather than in England.

The New World later on served a similar purpose as an outlet for labor which kept wages higher in England than it would have been otherwise.

* Just as liberals and Muslims think its the right thing to destroy us. Subconsciously many liberals have already submitted to Islam, and are only waiting for the slightest pressure to publicly proclaim the Shahadah. (Its not hard to imagine some dejected rightists of the future to join the Shi’a variant.) The Muslims have a moral imperative to conquest, and a selfish goal of white woman to rape.

Interestingly, liberals are not so good at convincing other civilizations to commit suicide. Mass immigration is a problem only of Western civilization. Latin Americans and Orthodox* countries don’t appear to have this problem, yet. East Asians care not about the tenets of political correctness, and will likely remain hostile to an African/Muslim invasion.

* American “dissident right” types are renowned for their Jew obsession. So, looking at Ireland they find the ONE Jewish politician and attribute all sorts of ruin to his influence. Shatter was never popular, or influential, and was eventually fired. His Jewishness is irrelevant, and I doubt the vast majority of Irish people know or care that he’s Jewish.

As usual, the self-abolishing tendency of Europeans is pinned on The Jew. How pathetic the “white race” must be! The kings of the world, yet also the hapless marionettes of Zionists. Huh. Make up your mind.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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