This New Generation

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I realise narcissism is much higher in my generation, partly due to social atomisation and smaller numbers of siblings and extended families, but these pieces all suffer from a serious selection bias. The people who want to talk about themselves and don’t realise or don’t care that they’re being put in a point and sputter article in the NYTs are hardly representative.

“Beckett Delaney agrees. Delaney lives in the Empire State Building, which his parents bought for him …”

They seem much more representative of the scions of the wealthy in the current era, totally oblivious and with no sense of responsibility. (A risk for the wealthy at all times, but the current era seems to endorse it) I’m not American but the few people in my generation I went to school with who were wealthy were some of the dimmest people imaginable. Not that they weren’t intelligent (They weren’t above average though) but they so utterly lacked knowledge or curiosity of the world that it was staggering, I honestly didn’t understand how they could fail to adsorb seemingly any knowledge passively. Each day was a battle not to punch them in the face.

All of them are now employed in essentially make-work, one is a representative with the UNHCR another is running a food cart and has grown a ridiculous mustache, one has become a professional political agitator. (With numerous hilarious contradictory endorsements, I think the common denominator is an esteem for violent protest against the state no matter the context, he actually reminds me of the guy who rushed at Trump, only he is not quite so delusional, but is certainly as aggressive and heavily-built.) All of them seem exceedingly happy, so at least they’ve got that going for them, we’ll see if that smile lasts later in their lives.

But this is the unaddressed problem with my generation, the recession in much of the Western World (And indeed in those nations not in recession) is the lack of jobs for young people, if the effect does not lead to job losses it is somewhat cloaked. The other side is large-scale university graduations which lead to large numbers of people seeking a ‘career’ over a job that their parents would have sought. The smartest girl in my year once told me she was afraid of being overeducated and unemployable and despite her knowing this she is now exactly that, studied French and Classics in undergrad and went on to do a masters in Gender Studies! She is, of course, now insufferable and physically overweight, being smart and driven reduced her mate pool already, but she confounded the problem with radical feminism. (Her sister who seemed normal enough has become some kind of almost parody of something you’d see on an MRA site, I have no idea what happened.) I had a real crush on her when we were teenagers but now she’ll die alone and childless. It’s actually amazing to see how many of the middle class and above girls in our year seemingly forgot to have children. I forgot what the point of this paragraph was, I’m too depressed now to continue.

* I was in an office in NYC in 2000 & they had a pet iguana running around micro-aggressing the hell out of the receptionist who crawled onto her desk when it came running down the hall. I was half-inclined to get up there with her. Both of us were/are from Generation X. The iguana was definitely a millennial.

* It’s not so much the writing, which is okay. It’s the intellectual ability to pack so many tropes into 700 words. Bravo!

* The larger and more terrifying problem is that the article identifies outcast caricatures and not the guerrilla millennials. The guerrillas are substantially more dangerous as they spread their brainwashed ideals while maintaining a normal appearance.

These childish narcissists appear to be functioning and well-adjusted. However, they buy into frivolity and nonsense like universal humanism, systematic racism, anti-racism, critics race theory and the religion of Progressiveanity.

Whether they explicitly understand it or not, their actions and lifestyles spread these memes. Furthermore, these culture terrorists force others to adopt these understandings or they shame them. It’s a disgrace.

For instance, my cousin nearly disallowed his sister from staying at his apartment because he perceived that she was being racist against a black person. Another awful Millennial that I know openly questions free speech because it can damage the psyche of young minorities and cause their poor life outcomes.

* On a serious note interacting with millenials on Twitter has made me realise how damaged many of them have been by the anti-white psychological abuse they receive in the schools and colleges now.

They truly believe – because they were deliberately lied to – that only white people ever did: empires, colonies, slavery, genocides etc.

I’ve seen conversations where a teacher of Arab descent teaching in US schools was berating young white kids about their legacy of empire and slavery – which apart from being particularly ludicrous and hypocritical is outright psychological abuse.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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