Another Hate Crimes Hoax


* Has there ever been a single solitary documented case or WN/WPs actually putting Nazi or KKK imagery up in any black or immigrant/mestizo neighborhood except for Chicago in the 70s?

I don’t think so.

Real WN/WP ‘s literally have nothing to say to nonwhites. If they do anything at all, it’s to put fliers out in white neighborhoods, and never with threats or intimidating messages.

And as for the Triple K-there IS no KKK as such. Sure there are a few, isolated groups of losers, Feds and stooges calling themselves KKK, but anyone can use the name KKK. It isn’t a registered trademark.

By contrast, Hell’s Angels is both a registered trademark and a copyrighted symbol. No one calls themselves Hells Angels, with or without apostrophe, unless they are a duly ‘patched in’ member of a chapter approved by the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club. One, they’ll be killed or beaten to a pulp, and two, if they somehow escaped that, they’d be sued and forced to cease and desist in court. There IS a Hell’s Angels. But there is no THE KKK.

* As Steve said in another piece a year or two ago, KKK is the new UFO. There are people around whom MSM would describe as “white supremacists”, but they wouldn’t go around writing graffiti expressing hatred of non-whites. What would be the point? Most of what racially aware whites have to say needs to be addressed to fellow whites, e.g. politicians and journalists.

Also, nowadays these hate hoaxes are rarely perpetrated by people who are at the bottom of the social scale. From what I see, they’re mostly in middle class jobs or in college, where they’re in close contact with whites and are perhaps made to feel inadequate or resentful at being unable to compete with them.

* The US seems to suffer a grave shortage of white people to paint swastikas, nooses and so on.

* I hope this can somehow feed into Trump’s campaign. Please organise a press conference, make it a big deal, invite all of the press and really treat them well. Then state that you are looking for a reset while also calling them on their totally absurd excesses like the Hitler comparisons. They are quite battered enough and now is the time to show them the good cop, to show them the great, charming and fantastic cop in fact.

* Maybe Trump should announce that part of his economic plan is for reporters to be paid better?

* The real white supremacists are the progressives trying to hector the poor, uninterested African immigrants into their recycling schemes. As if shopping at the thrift store wasn’t enough.

* Yes, reporters have it incredibly tough nowadays. You have to intern for free forever, live in a major city like New York where your cupboard sized bedroom and fridge shelf costs half of your eventual salary, pay off tremendous amounts of student debt and do your work with very scarce resources. He should watch Girls for a perspective on what that is like. It is depressing.

Trump needs to feel journalists’ pain and come up with a solution for them. They are now a class unto themselves but one with their own 1 and 99 percents. He could get a lot more sympathetic reporting by doing a bit of this, it could hardly get less sympathetic anyway.

Perhaps he could declare journalism a public good and say that those working in journalism will have their student debt cancelled. A hiatus while they work would do, if it were combined with a full cancellation after a successful 10 year hiatus?

Maybe a reader might suggest whatever it is that Putin, Orban and others use as carrots for journalists, because the world is only giving them sticks at the moment. They are just as much bitter clingers now as any residents of fish town. They are dispossessed Americans, and need a Trump as much as any others.

* Right, it’s not unreasonable for Trump to devote some effort to addressing the economic problems of reporters. I can recall, in 1993, getting invited to sit in the press box at a Chicago Bulls game during Michael Jordan’s peak and thinking, wow, look at the rayon sweaters these reporters are wearing … these guys are poor!

And that was before the Internet.

* Look, nobody forced these guys to choose such a low paying career. 99% of them (even sports writers) are leftists and they chose journalism not as a means to a paycheck but as a branch of the Social Justice Warrior profession, so that they could “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted”. I have no sympathy for them.

* There are a lot of problems caused by media sources going broke–it’s often the case that there is now nobody whose job it is to go to all the city council meetings, read the documents, talk to the principals, and inform the public about what’s going on, and that’s a genuine loss. The problem I see with trying to fix this from the government is that it will end up with some kind of official licensing of who’s a real journalist, because you have to have some way to decide whom to give money to. I can’t imagine such a scheme *not* being used to do some viewpoint-policing, around the edges of the Overton window.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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