Steve Sailer: Hillary Bores Non-black Democrats Something Fierce

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Hillary’s been the “heir apparent” ever since Al Gore’s loss, Obama’s win notwithstanding. She’s been a political fixture in this country for a quarter century and is now a daft old woman with the charisma of a tortoise. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that people who pay attention to politics are so completely sick to death of her.

* One of my correspondents on Twitter suggested current November match up polls might overstate Hillary’s chances because the disillusionment / betrayal feelings of Bernie voters haven’t kicked in yet. Wins like these are keeping their faint hopes alive. But what if a significant percentage of them stay home in November rather than voting for Hillary?

Maybe a non-trivial number will even vote for Trump.

The easy-on-the-eyes Congresswoman from Hawaii endorsed Bernie.

* So does this represent the splintering of the Democrat vote along racial lines?

Media figures have been crowing for some time that Republicans will soon not be able to win elections because of the non-white vote. But the same demographic logic dooms ‘white’ Republican candidates like Sanders too.

This does seem like an election that offers signposts to the future of democracy in America. Perhaps you will see more ‘pop culture’ celebrity candidates who already have famous names and can appeal to various racial demographics in a way few politicians can?

Although I’m sympathetic to Trump I do wonder if it’s possible to draw a timeline leading from his Presidency to President Camacho from Idiocracy. Having googled it, I see others have made the connection before me.

* And no one accuses Sanders of being a racist because of the Whites voting for him. Apparently, Democrats, by definition, are not racists.

* So basically, white Democrats in states with small AA populations (i.e. white Democrats with minimal exposure to reality) are full Utopian commie.

Given Trump’s awful favorability, the Dem candidate is our likely president. So we should thank old black women from saving us from economic disaster. Sanders is a terrible candidate.

* Powerful ad. The Democrat message loses me at the end, where she says, “No matter who we are, or where we come from, we’re all in this together.”

Obviously, many of the newly arrived immigrants do not feel we are in this together. Nor is it easy for us whites to embrace as fellow Americans those who don’t speak English, don’t follow our norms, exploit our system, are responsible for a higher rate of crime and dysfunction, and display racial hostility toward us.

The slogan “Diversity is our greatest strength” only makes sense if you understand that “our” refers only to the Powers that Be who benefit from social division.

* The places where Hillary has been doing the best in the Democrat primary are the places where whites have abandoned the Democrat Party -i.e. the South, where the Democrat Party has well and truly become the Black Party. Hillary has zero chance of winning most of those states in November.

On the other hand, Sanders has been winning states that are solidly “blue” and will go for the Democrat regardless of who he or she is in November.

The real test will be the swing states. Maybe the Democrat party organization, bolstered by the changing demographics of America, will be able to get enough church ladies out of bed to win those states in November, but that remains to be seen.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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