Multi-Culti Requires A Police State

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* You’ve hit it: multikulti requires a police state. And the more multi it gets, the more strict the state.

Iraq, very multi with Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, and Kurds and Arabs required extreme policing, which they got with Sadam Hussein.

Libya, all Sunni, with a few minority non-Arabs, survived with the more moderate Gaddhafi.

Syria is also very multi, and Assad Sr. ran a tight ship. He likely would have stamped out the revolt that has turned into a civil war.

The percentage of Muslims in the US is still pretty low. Just give it time. They tend to have big families too. They easily outbreed the natives in Europe.

* What measure does Max Boot use to claim that the US does a better job assimilating our Muslims than other countries? How about by death toll per capita? 3,000 people were killed on September 11 alone. Then there was Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, and several others.

The US has about 30 times as many people as Belgium (pop. 11.2 million), but has lost about 90 times as many people due to terrorism (3000 vs. 34). We have ~5 times as many people as France, but I doubt France has lost anywhere close to 600 people due to Islamic terrorism. Etc, etc.

As a share of our population the US has far fewer Muslims, but our death toll per capita is higher than every other Western country. It may seem like cheating since 9/11 was one very large event, but given all the other terrorist acts that have occurred here there’s no reason to take comfort in the idea that we do a better job assimilating Muslims.

My guess is that there are two things holding down Muslim extremism in the US. First, the fact that Muslims comprise a much smaller share of the population than in most Western European countries. That gives them no chance to “own” neighborhoods and oppress their neighbors the way they do in so many parts of Europe.

The second reason is the Second Amendment. Muslims wouldn’t dare try a lot of the shit they’ve tried in Europe because Americans are armed. Lose the Second Amendment and quintuple our Muslim population and our problems would be every bit as bad as in Europe, if not worse.

There are effectively two kinds of Islamic terrorism. The first is the overt terrorism as exemplified by 9/11, Bataclan, Boston, and the Brussels bombing. The second, more insidious kind, is the kind where Muslims criminal networks that drive non-Muslims out of entire cities and oppress the non-Muslim majority – think Rotherham. This is the kind that needs a critical mass that America does not yet have, but there’s every indication that Muslims would be happy to do it here, if they could.

* Our terrorism problem would be far worse if our share of Muslims were higher, but there’s definitely something to be said for employment holding extremism in check. I’ve noticed in life that the more free time people have on their hands the more inclined they are to bitch and obsess about how badly they have it, no matter how well off they actually are. College students, the unemployed, and the elderly. A rough equation for fanaticism may be:

Fanaticism = F * T^2

Where F = free time, T = testosterone levels, with overt fanaticism declining somewhat with both age and lack of free time. Passive aggressive fanaticism is more constant with age. Elderly Muslims are probably more than happy to bitch about non-Muslims – where do you think the younger Muslims get their attitudes about Westerners? – but they’re less inclined to go blow themselves up over it.

* A better comparison would be with America’s black population – in terms of numbers, social pathology and ‘lack of integration’ – and, oh, the fact that America’s black population hasn’t ‘integrated’ in 400 years, and is, in fact, only diverging and isolating more from mainstream America.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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