Why Does Reality Favor Donald Trump?

This must scare the Jewish left.

From Breitbart: Billionaire and 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump told Breitbart News on Tuesday in a wide-ranging, exclusive interview that in his estimation, the terrorist attack in Brussels, Belgium, proves terrorists are winning the war against the Western world. The Islamic State, or ISIS, has taken credit for the Brussels attacks.

“The terrorists are totally winning,” Trump said in the interview that lasted more than 30 minutes. “The terrorists are making us look like fools.”

Trump continued by noting that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—the Democratic presidential frontrunner who Trump is most likely to face in the general election, assuming he can seal the nomination in the next few months—is likely to be significantly negatively impacted by the rise of terror on the world stage.

“The terrorists will cause Hillary Clinton to lose the election,” Trump said. “She’s weak on borders. She’s weak on crime. She’s weak on anything having to do with controversy other than controversy with herself. She’s weak on the police. She’s weak on anything having to do with strength. Hillary is so weak on the borders, and so afraid to talk negatively about protecting our people, that it will end up costing her the election in my opinion.”

Trump said his previous warning, in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, that Brussels was in danger is why he’s winning in the presidential election.

“It’s one of the reasons I’m leading in the polls by so much,” Trump said.

Trump also bashed the New York Times for mocking him—which it did back in January, over that Bartiromo interview—for making the Brussels prediction.

“The New York Times wrote an article because the New York Times doesn’t have a clue,” Trump said. “That’s why they won’t be in business too much longer. I call them ‘the failing New York Times.’ They wrote a mocking article, and so many people have called me about the New York Times article being so wrong. Brussels is a disaster. Brussels is a tinderbox. Brussels is a place I went to years ago—it was one of the most beautiful cities in the world and totally safe. Now, it’s catastrophic what’s happened to it. Many, many people are saying I was right about so many things. So many things.”

When asked how the United States prevents this type of attack—and prevents the devaluing of western and U.S. culture by installing pockets of non-assimilated people like the community in Stockholm, Sweden, that now is called “Little Mogadishu” from popping up—Trump quadrupled down on his call for a temporary ban on all Muslim migration.

“By not allowing the people in,” he said. “That’s how you prevent it, not allowing the people in. There has to be a moratorium. We have to find out what’s going on. Every city you look at, you take a look at Paris, you take a look at—the police don’t even go into the areas, the police are afraid of the areas. Look at the case of this fugitive. He was the number one fugitive in the world, and he was living right next to where he lived. All of those people knew that he was there and nobody turned him in.”

In Sweden, just this week, 60 Minutes Australia news crews released footage of its trip to Stockholm’s Rinkeby district where young men used a car to run over one of the cameramen’s feet. Police didn’t want to accompany the news crew into the neighborhood, either, as a local political activist walked the television crew through how the migrants from East Africa have a particularly difficult time assimilating into Western culture.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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