* Then there are people like my friend who have voted GOP for decades but thinks Trump too “vulgar” and “unqualified” and “doesn’t mean anything he says.”
Honestly the entire thing is taking a real toll on our friendship because, as flawed as Trump is, he is the only non-cucked option. But my friend sounds absolutely indistinguishable from my loopy hyperliberal sister who wouldn’t vote for Trump if her eight year old daughter were gang raped by an illegal, a BLMer and a Muslim right in front of her face.
* Paul Ryan is the typical Republican “palooka” that Hillary and Bill have been meeting and disposing of for decades. He is a guaranteed GOP defeat and the bitterness among Trump supporters that would result from Trump being denied the nomination at the convention would probably mean a 45-48 state Hillary blowout. But, as other commenters have pointed out, the cucks in charge of the GOP would prefer that to a Trump victory.
* I’ve told a couple of friends I really don’t want them coming around the house anymore because the family doesn’t need to hear the “anyone who considers Trump is a dumba$$” smack talk. It has become my own personal secession plan, dump the negative ninnies in my personal and business life.