Trump Marches Into AIPAC Monday

I wonder how he’ll do with AIPAC?

Trump’s Jewish grandchildren are his shield against the Jews accusing him of being Hitler.
One big difference between Trump and Hitler is that Hitler did not have any Jewish grandchildren.
Even the ADL must appreciate this fact, once it is pointed out to them.

Is this what we want for a President?

Is this what we want for a President?

Posted by Donald J. Trump on Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* A smart strategy here would be if Trump can, even subtly, position himself as the best bulwark between American Jews (and Israel) and the various moonbats on the left Hillary has to break bread with (Black Lives Matter, etc.) who aren’t and won’t be the friends of successful white people of any description (and who aren’t too far from BDS and other anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian outfits). These folks will be a problem Jews can recognize more quickly than the Jews will be able to “become” not-white. Jews viscerally don’t like demagogues who are too popular with Gentile torches-and-pitchforks mobs, but they do understand benevolent despots (or, if you will, czars) who stand between useful Jews and the mob; and they also (at least a generation or two back, mostly on the East Coast) understand why to be afraid of black mobs.

* It will be interesting to see Trump triangulate between the obeisance to Israel that AIPAC expects, his promises to avoid unnecessary military adventures, and the expectations of those who hope Trump really will mainstream policies favoring the interests of US citizens and of the USA over the interests of foreigners and of foreign nations. Such policies may seem unexceptional for a republic but have been utterly repudiated by this country’s ruling elites — the plutocrats and Israel-first extremists and the MSM and federal political figures they have bought and paid for.

* Trump has no particular animus toward Israel or Jews. It should not be a surprise that he is speaking at AIPAC. Dislike of Jews/Israel and conspiracy theories about AIPAC is a fringe position in American politics, and mostly a far-left fringe position.

* FL governor Rick Scott just endorsed Trump. Trump should seriously consider picking Scott to be his running mate (and thus helping to deliver FL’s 29 electoral votes). A Trump-Scott ticket would be a quite respectable, professional choice and not a weird, straight out of left field curve ball choice like McCain chose in ’08.

* At this point, the debates can’t help Trump much. Cruz is too good of a debater, and Kasich is too sober in demeanor for Trump’s bullying style to look very good.

* The far left dislikes Israel because they’re white-ish people colonizing brown-ish people in a pretty brutal fashion. I dislike Israel because they’re no ally to the USA but they’re treated as such because of the powerful Israel lobby (AIPAC etc) and Jewish stranglehold on corporate media. The USA gives Israel billions of dollars and political cover at the UN Security Council and in return we get espionage and false flag attacks (USS Liberty, 9/11). “Our” leaders are apoplectic about Iran doing nuclear research when Israel already has dozens of nukes and is a non-signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

* Trump will be speaking on two levels. For the general public he will sound normal and non-controversial. But to Jews and red-pilled Americans, the two groups who are in the know, there will be a second and more subtle discourse. Will Trump reach Troll Level: Expert? He came very close to this honor in his last speech to those GOP Jewish business men.

One subliminal message will be a threat that if Jews gang up against him (as they do seem to be doing) and he still manages to win the elections; baby Israel will pay a very heavy price indeed!

On the normal people level Trump has to get across that he has no need to pander to AIPAC since he is self-funding and Jews are such a tiny demographic, and since they normally vote Democratic. their actual voting power nil. By saying he has no need to pander he is of course pointing out that Hillary has a huge need to pander.

Trump has to strongly criticize the Iraq, Libya, and Syria disasters and openly call for peace with Putin. Dare the collected Jews to boo those comments.

Trump has to again say he will be an honest broker between Israel and Palestine. Of course he probably will not be, but that all depends on how American Jews treat him in the general election, doesn’t it?

It would be wonderful trolling if Trump goes though his stump speech about getting other nations to pay for our protection — no need to explicitly mention Israel — in fact it’s better not to.

In fact he should as much as possible avoid the subject of Israel and concentrate on making America great again — these Jews are Americans after all, aren’t they?

To me this speech will be Must-See-TV. There will be some hecklers and some people walking out. But of course that only helps Trump as most Americans are disgusted by Israel. I also think it is great to shine such powerful spotlight on AIPAC — many Americans will be just getting introduced to it….

* I giggled a bit at the unintended message behind this.

“Speech by controversial GOP candidate could give him legitimacy he lacks, which is precisely what enrages his opponents.”

So it’s not enough for him to meet the criteria set out in your laws and get the necessary votes, for him to be President and not just a seat warmer, true legitimacy can only come from the sainted AIPAC.

* LF: Criminal lawyers have a good gig. There’s almost no paperwork, they almost never take anything to trial because their clients are guilty and juries hate them, and criminal lawyers can’t get sued for malpractice unless their clients factually prove their innocence (win on appeal).

* If anyone could give Trump trouble I would imagine it would be the Israel lobby. They pretty much control conservative politics. Whenever Israel says jump conservatives reply how high? However if anyone can do it, it would be Trump but will be a bit harder than taking on the conservative establishment as he has done.

* Trump’s relationship with the Jewish community is probably not unlike Stalin’s, friendly but aware of the very real difference in interests.

* I would wager that the speech Trump will actually give will be NOTHING like the speech that you just proposed. That fantasy speech is the speech that YOU would give, which is why you would never be elected dog catcher. Trump is going to AIPAC to make friends, not to spit in their faces and endorse Putin. As Steve explained, people who don’t want to be total losers in America need to have at least SOME Jewish friends.

* The fact that Trump is taunting Fox News by this snub is more important than that he will be speaking at AIPAC. In fact, I’d say the most important thing about the Trump campaign so far is that he’s winning while repeatedly flouting the power of the media and telling the world via Twitter that he’s doing it.

* If Trump can get the GOP nomination while taunting Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the National Review, Glen Beck, etc, etc, then he will be liberating millions of people from the belief that you have to jump through all the media’s hoops without complaint or they will destroy you. Sure, Trump is a well-connected and already famous billionaire but others will follow. To me that matters more than what he’ll say at AIPAC. The mass media shakedown operation – and the low cults of spin and PR that built up to appease it – are a far greater burden on us here and now than Bibi’s Israel.

* I was completely unaware of AIPAC until a few years ago, when the father of a boy on my son’s soccer team introduced me to it. The man was a Muslim immigrant and was very pleasant, intelligent, and fairly westernized. On the day we met, after we’d been talking for about 25 minutes, he started complaining to me about the disproportionate influence that AIPAC has in the U.S. I asked him what AIPAC was, and he told me, but he seemed very surprised that I had to ask.

* Seems that “diversity” is America’s “greatest strength,” but not Israel’s. The Jews are raising the height of THEIR border wall… while many if not most Jewish liberals in the U.S. are calling Trump “Hitler” for proposing an American border wall.

* First of all, Trump has two choices, more or less. He can do what they want, and lose the alt-right but hopefully gain a few rich Jewish guys on his side. He can snub them, and keep the alt-right and perhaps inflame the remainder of the media against him.

I don’t know how much he needs the alt-right at this point. He might want to be portrayed as more centrist now that he’s running for the more liberal state picks, and eventually for the country as a whole, including people who don’t vote in Republican primaries. People outside the alt-right are a lot more annoyed over trade and immigration than they are over Israel.

Or, he might do something I haven’t thought of yet. He’s the Artist of the Deal, I wouldn’t be surprised. He might, for example, guarantee Israel’s safety in case of a direct attack on them but refuse to aid them in proxy wars like Iraq–enough to keep people worried about their relatives over there happy but still enough to please isolationists. Like I said, the guy’s smarter than me. I don’t know what he’s going to do.

There’s a natural human tendency to think if a guy’s on your side about something you care about, he’s on your side about everything, which explains the idea that a guy who let his daughter marry a Jew and does real estate in New York is an anti-Semitic avenger.

* I don’t see much difference between AIPAC and BlackLivesMatter and I’m quite sure many Americans feel the same way.

That said, Trump strategy for this speech should be to provoke the AIPACniks into booing him and then getting the media establishment and all the other candidates to support AIPAC like they backed BLM in Chicago last week.

The key is that on the surface level Trump must stay squeaky clean.

Start by attacking PAC money in politics and repeat the “you will not like me because I will not take your money”

Next, move on the complimenting Israel and saying how much America has to learn from her. For example Trump can talk about Israel foresight in building their wall — Trump can neg it a little by saying ours will be more beautiful.

Move on to Israel not accepting Syrian refugees. High praise for this move. Extra points for pointing out the official reason is that taking refugees would undermine Israeli identity. he probably wouldn’t go that far though.

Move on to Israeli enhanced interrogation techniques and the destruction of terrorist houses. Point out how Trump is attack for proposing similar policies in America. The triggering should be in full effect at that point.

The AIPACniks will have either started hissing and howling as they march out or they will sit there quietly and take it. Either way Trump wins, he wins more if they walk out. Once they walk out Trump can blame it on the fact he will not take their money!!

Bernie and Hillary will hopefully have gone on before him and will have criticized Israel for certain things. Trump can ask why did they walk out when I praised them but cheered loudly after Sanders and Clinton said less nice things about them?

* Disliking AIPAC is not the same thing as disliking Israel. I have nothing against Israel existing, being a nation, being a jewish state, defending itself, etc. I do dislike AIPAC – for the undue influence they wield over american politics. Why should every major candidate for President of the United States knock head before that one particular ethnic lobbying group? Why should Israel be more consequent for the american government than, say, Ireland?

* If Trump is smart he will hire an AIPAC operative and to help him write a speech agreeing 100% with their agenda, and keying him into the right terms to use. For instance, don’t say “occupied territories.” I’m not even sure what the right term is myself, I think it is “Judea and Samaria,” or or something like that.

It wouldn’t hurt to give a mildly worded version of his temporary shutdown on Muslim immigration. AIPAC can’t officially endorse this, but it will be music to most of their ears, and signal that he is objectively more pro-Jewish and pro-Israel than Hillary. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and explicitly endorsing settlements are two more key issues where he has a unique degree of freedom to out-Jew Hillary.

Trump has everything to gain and nothing to lose here. Middle America, to the extent it has an opinion, loves Israel, and evangelicals are one of his weak spots with the base and on average more pro Israel than even secular Jews.

If Jews are 4% of the white vote, and Trump needs an extra 4% over Romney’s share, going from ~25% of them who voted for Romney and McCain to 50% of them is both a realistic goal and gets him a quarter of the way to victory. I even think 55% is a realistic goal, which gives him 30% of what he needs to win. And that isn’t even counting the fact that being extremely pro Israel, far more than Hillary, will depress her fundraising.

Also, Hillary’s arms are tied. Anti-Israel voters, while they don’t provide any funds to her campaign, do provide volunteers and votes. They will grudgingly put up with the normal Dem pro-Israel party line out of necessity, but will rebel if she tries to go as far as Trump is free to. No way will she explicitly endorse settlement policy without turning off Muslim voters and the academic far-left.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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