The White Vote

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* One thing reporters never do when they disparage white voters is to thank them for giving us a functioning democracy. The fact that an all-time blowout of the total white vote for one side was 60% doesn’t seem to get mentioned in the positive light it should. Blacks routinely vote 95% for the democrats. If whites voted like that, we wouldn’t even need to have an election. It would be a forgone conclusion.

“Mr. Romney came close, running up his white vote totals in Southern states such as Mississippi (89 percent), Western states such as Arizona (66 percent) and Plains states such as Kansas (64 percent). But Mr. Obama was more competitive in the battle for the white vote elsewhere, including Colorado (44 percent), Wisconsin (48 percent), Minnesota (48 percent), Iowa (51 percent) and New Hampshire (51 percent).”

Even in MS the white vote did not break for the GOP like the black vote breaks for the democrats. And as we can see in other states, the white vote seems to be a 50-50 proposition which is up for grabs each election cycle.

“If Mr. Trump’s emotion-charged appeals to white voters increase his performance among that demographic, political physics suggests the Democratic nominee might surpass the 80 percent support from nonwhite voters that Mr. Obama attracted in 2012.”

So evidently the rest of the nonwhites averaged 80 percent for one side. Our new democracy is going to be great.

Keep in mind there are about 45 million blacks. If they were their own nation, they’d be on par with Poland. Or they would be larger than Greece, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark combined. Yet they vote 90% plus for one party. Where in the world do that many people vote in those numbers for one party? I recall Saddam had a reelection in Iraq shortly before the Iraq War and won something like 99 percent of the vote. And that was in a dictatorship. Black Americans voting habits are more on par with the citizens of a dictatorship than that of a democracy.

Yet the reporters who bash the whites never give whites the credit they deserve for giving us such a vibrant democracy. Remember we only have contested elections because the white vote seems to respect the process and doesn’t bloc vote. Would it be too hard for the reporters to give them some props?

* Trump picked up the $100 bill laying on the floor by advocating for the interests of the white working class with respect to immigration and trade. There’s another $100 bill laying on the floor and everyone is ignoring it because it requires forthrightly talking about race, that $100 bill is the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act and this could be a goldmine, like the Willie Horton ads. Do people really want to empower Democrats to destroy their home equity by diversifying their neighborhoods with inner city minorities living in Section 8 housing?

I’m betting going all-in on attacking AFFHA would neutralize anything that the Democrats would do to attract middle and upper class whites.

* If whites routinely voted 90% for one party (like blacks) or 70% for one party (like Hispanics) then America would have long been a one party state. Blacks have been voting for Clinton in the Democratic primaries at what? 70-80% levels? Even in their own party they bloc vote. WTH?

* Trump is the only Republican that can break the Democrat stranglehold on the black vote. He could win 25% of that vote and the reason? – absolute hatred of immigrants, especially Latins among working class blacks. My wife occasionally works in an inner city hospital and sees black patients. Months ago she came home in amazement and asked me: who do these patients, especially the elderly ones, love? Answer? Trump. Why? In one word, Mexicans. Now maybe the relentless media attacks will have an effect, but I doubt it. Due to the changing demographics Trump is probably the only Republican who can win now. Every Republican starts out at minus 10. Trump won’t. Hillary may find the anger of blacks does not help her.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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