The Tenth Anniversary Of The Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Went to a southern university around the same time. Was a fraternity member.

We all KNEW it was a hoax from the minute the story came out. The reason why isn’t very PC, but it’s the truth — sexual market value and peer posturing.

A bunch of handsome white athletes at a prestige school for smart kids all get together… and they demonstrate sexual interest in a poor black stripper in front of each other? Um. No. A nude Beyonce clone wouldn’t get aggressive attention in that room. And what were the odds that a stripper in Durham, North Carolina would look like Beyonce?

We all KNEW that they wouldn’t have requested a black stripper. That it had to be a mixup.

I remember when the photos of that evening came out and all the guys looked bored, sad, annoyed about what the stripper looked like. “Surely this will end now,” I thought. So obvious. And yet it got dragged out for another 8 months.

* I remember watching the sordid saga unfold — it was then that I realized that narratives create news stories and not vice versa.

After witnessing the UVA rape hoax and the Michael Brown fiasco, I’m not optimistic that this lesson will ever remain in our society’s institutional memory.

* And the dozens of Duke faculty members that signed on to the witch-hunt paid the price by losing their positions, right?

No? They paid no price at all?

Oh, I forgot. These are Leftists, and constraints like honesty, justice and integrity are too passe for them to observe.

And the ruling class wonders why a person with Trump’s defects is so attractive.

* One of the interesting angles to all of this is that hoaxes are easier to pull in the mass media age than in the prior age. The old line from Twain was that the truth was just getting out of bed by the time a lie was half way around the world. Today, the lie is an axiom by the time the truth stirs.

Just look at the Michelle Fields hoax from last week. She rolled out a whole media campaign on twitter and then the cable news shows. David French at National Review on-line, a lawyer supposedly, wrote a long piece on Friday falling for the whole thing.

Are people more gullible now? How has the media saturation turned us into rubes?

* If three black members of Duke’s basketball team had been accused of gang-raping a white stripper under otherwise identical circumstances, they wouldn’t have even been arrested -so preposterous were the allegations. And feminists would not have protested. Feminists wouldn’t protest even if a white student at Duke was gang-raped by black students who were guilty beyond any doubt -just as feminists never expose the horrific realities of the 50-year pandemic of black males raping and gang-raping white females.

* Leftists don’t usually notice anti-male and anti-white bias. When it’s undeniable then they simply rationalize it.

To unequivocally condemn anti-white and anti-male bias is to strike the leftist house of cards at its very foundation, and cannot be permitted if the structure is to remain standing.

* It’s almost like there is an thread in the undercurrent that binds these isteve topics into a cohesive political philosophy. Oh yea…”hate whitey” …it’s the logical opposition to that world view. And people are still confused by Trump’s popularity.

* Despite the hostility and frequently bizarre, anachronistic, ahistorical or even outright nonsensical paranoia to which many blacks are prone, one cannot help but respect them for their keen sense of racial awareness (or semblance thereof).

If only five percent of whites chose to advocate for white interests as vehemently as the average black advocates for black interests, our race problems could find a durable resolution within a generation.

* Their sense of racial awareness consists mostly of resentment towards whites and and delusions of being victimised by them. Remember they murder each other far more than they kill members of other races. In a sense, it’s their lack of racial awareness that brought them to America. People with strong racial solidarity and empathy don’t sell each other as slaves.

* Yea, the whole case is at a visceral level pretty messed up. Duke’s nickname was already “University of New Jersey in North Carolina” so there was already a bunker mentality in the student body that was greatly aided by the wet campus policy and 3 year on campus living requirement. We literally at times felt like we were some beachhead of carpetbaggers and California invaders in this dark jungle. At least in the Mid 2000s, this was before a lot of Durham’s redevelopment/gentrification. This literally made the Lacrosse players “us” in the awful game of us vs “them.” I’m just surprised at how so many liberal college students could hate the media so much at that time.

On a side note, funny enough. the celebrations when Nifong was disbarred, spent a night in jail, and sued to the point where he even had to give up his family guitar passed down generations definitely showed some class solidarity. For a few nights over my years at Duke, I swear 90% of the student body would vote Republican if it meant watching Nifong squirm. I’d say the campus would usually only vote 30% Republican. [30% of total males in Greek life with near monolithic Right wing support, and 50% total females in Greek life with about half Republican leanings].

* I knew it was a fake immediately because Mangum said she was raped orally by one of the men. I don’t know much but i know that’s not how men do their raping.

* Perhaps being a white man at Duke during that incident sharpens the appreciation of what’s in store for white men in the vibrant diverse future that, so-far, only Mr. Trump has shown any inclination in delaying.

* Even Feminists believe race trumps gender. Feminists do not hate White men because they are men, they hate White men because they are White. Hence why Feminists feel zero hatred towards Muslim rapists and African American rapists for example.

No Feminists in the media like Hillary Clinton and Gloria Steinem came out and called the Rotherham incident involving Pakistani pimps and underage White girls a war on women.

* It would appear Lee Kwan Yew is proven right yet again. Donald Trump is almost without question the most pro-Black candidate in living memory, offering with border closing and protective tariffs to vastly increase and secure Black people’s AA and social spending and status within America. And yet, most hate him with a passion because he generates White working class support and threatens the consensus that every White person must submit to any Black person.

Really, it is ridiculous how pro-Black Donald Trump really is with his policies.

* Anyone who has gone to a top ranked NCAA school knew that the Duke case was a fraud the minute they heard it. My large private school has had a top five men’s lacrosse program for decades, not to mention a basketball team that makes it to the NCAAs nearly every year with a few final four finishes and decent football. The athletes, especially of the prestige programs, like Duke’s lacrosse team, have women throwing themselves at them – they don’t need to slum it with a black stripper. The girls in my dorm made their way through the football team, checking off various players from the program they’d slept with.

* How much does the average black person advocate for black interests on a day to day basis? I suspect the default level of black and Hispanic group interests is more or less the normal level for humans everywhere. There has been a decades-long campaign to tell blacks and Hispanics that race-based politics are good and right, and to tell whites that race-based politics are wrong and evil, and we can see the impact of that on everyday politics.

Personally, I’d rather we all adopted the rule that race-based politics are a bad thing–I think it tends to leave everyone voting for the crook “because at least he’s our crook.” (See the operation of the DC government for an example of why I think this.) But it’s pretty obviously unreasonable to have the rule that race-based politics are okay for everyone except whites.

* The nature of living in a bubble is that you have no idea how nutty or vile your ideas sound to someone outside your bubble.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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