Trump’s America

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I was there tonight at Trump’s rally. Unbelievable shit show from the college protesters! Started fights with supporters, security, and cops. Completely out of control. Chicago PD had barely effective presence in the arena and led the crowd out straight into a gauntlet of screaming protestors outside. Blocked the route back to the train station and redirected everyone on a detour that went beyond the barricades. Total incompetence.


* Re Chicago: I think this is good. It’s estimated that for Trump to win at least two-thirds of White Americans must vote. This is a tall order. Inspirational rhetoric will not be enough. American Whites will need vivid and totally realistic images of a non-White future.

* A few points:

-why should Trump disavow hard right groups when his opponents refuse to disavow violent, anti-democratic protestors for ruining his campaign rallies?

– even the left-leaning BBC has classified Trump as a moderate on foreign policy, so there is little evidence to suggest he will drag the US into unnecessary conflicts

-Trump once used the phrase “rapists and murderers” in relation to Mexican immigrants, he doesn’t make a regular habit of it

-Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims immigrating to the US, not a complete shut down, and he does have a small but significant number of Muslim supporters

-it is perfectly normal for a first world country to have a border wall with a non-first world country like Mexico, what is unusual is why the US hasn’t built one already

-Trump offers tariffs and immigration cut-backs which he argues will help increase wages and job opportunities for working class Americans, and his tougher border security proposals will reduce the amount of illegal drugs circulating in lower class neighbourhoods

-for a Republican candidate, Trump has a wide range of supporters including Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, and some LGBT people – if he is so racist and reactionary, why are these people supporting him?

* There’s two main demographics of Muslim students I know from personal experience. One is the kids that get sent to public school, who tend to be more of Indian heritage rather than Arab. Lot of the girls still wear the hijab, but they’re very well assimilated, mix freely with others, and are pretty much normal people. They’re a lot like the Asian kids, if you want to compare them to another group. Tend to be quiet and studious. The girls especially though seem to follow along with trendy student progressivism, which is why they’d participate in a rally like this.

The other kinds are the ones who go to Islamic schools. Most non-Muslims never meet them (I haven’t) and thus don’t really even know they exist. I have a Muslim Indian friend though (he’s basically an atheist) who told me about some of the ones he knew who went to Islamic school, and they’re the ones who turn out to be hardcore Muslims who only associate with other Muslims and despise the rest of American people and culture.

Part of the reason Trump’s statements, along with any other anti-Islamic statements, strike so many young people as offensive and unjustified is that they’ve never met any Muslims who came out of an Islamic education. All the ones they’ve known are the public school Muslims, most of whom are just normal people.

Thus they have an impression that 99% of the Muslim world is made up of people who don’t take their religion seriously, like the ones they’ve met at school, and that the evil terrorists are just the exceptions.

The single best thing we could do in this country would be to shut down all Islamic schools here “until we know what the Hell is going on.” If that’s ruled unconstitutional by the First Amendment, then shut down all funding for them from Saudi Arabia and other overseas patrons. Sending Muslim kids to public schools when they’re such a small minority at present makes most of them socialize with non-Muslims and assimilate nicely.

The only problem then is the same leftist indoctrination you have going on with everyone else.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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