Trump’s Law & Order Platform

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* In addition to being a tireless worker with abundant energy, Trump appears to have a long memory. Should he win the White House, its a safe bet that he would bring the law and order policies of former NY mayor Rudy Giuliani to a national level.

Speaking of law and order, this does remind one of 1968, when far leftists disrupted the Democratic Convention in Chicago. One has to ask here, does BLM and Soros funded groups think that they are actually persuading independent/moderate voters into supporting their cause, OR are they rather driving more and more voters….to support Trump at the ballot box? If anything, like the Mitt Romney criticism, BLM/protesting/coalition of fringes nuttery may just have the opposite effect and drive more and more independent voters into fully supporting Trump’s candidacy. This is why I’ve said before that Trump, if he is the GOP nominee in November, should carry ca. 70% of the total white vote; BLM/overall fringe nuttery is helping to make this a reality.

Trump has publicly run on a law and order platform. This weekend is making his case that voters should seriously consider the truthiness of his words.

* I know Trump has a conceal carry permit, I think it would have made a great Instagram if he had pulled that pistol out, and stood there like Steve McGarrett in the old Hawaii 5-O shows. I’m not saying he should have shot him, but hey, I am not saying he should not have shot him either.

* PC is no longer “fringe”. It is, in fact, the new bourgeois morality. It must be embraced by all ‘right-thinking’ educated persons, from senators and CEOs on down to ordinary accountants and adjunct professors. To repudiate it publicly is to invite total ostracism–if not legal sanction.

* When a candidate rents a hall in which to speak and when private citizens have taken the time and trouble to attend and hear what this speaker has to say, is their right to hear him rather than some disruptive protester protected by some variety of right to peaceable assembly?

If we pay to attend a professional basketball game and some clown runs out on the court dribbling his own ball and starts shooting baskets, do we tolerate his behavior in the name of “freedom of expression” or are we not delighted when security tackles the idiot?

If we are attending a theater and someone in the audience disrupts the performance by loudly giving vent to his personal views on the world, do we good-naturedly tolerate the interruption and listen closely to the text of what he is saying in order to assess its merits relative to the lines of the actors whom we came to hear?

If we are on a jet airplane 35,000 feet in the air and some person gets out of their seat and belligerently rants about some private grievance do we allow them to continue undisturbed, acknowledging their right to freedom of expression or are we not grateful when the flight attendants shut him down (and hopefully sedate him)?

Please help me out here people.

What is the general Law which you, as Chief Justice, would invoke that would justify suppressing the disruptive behavior of the offending individual in all these cases?

* I can remember a time when the GOP stood for more than just cutting taxes and killing our little brown brothers. It’s been a while, though.

I don’t want to invade the world; I don’t want to invite the world, and I don’t want to be in hock to the world.

Is Libya better off today than it was under Cathafi? Is Iraq better off now than it was under Saddam? (Some people, sure.)

Is America better off for having a substantial Somali community in Minnesota? If so, how?

People talk about free trade and comparative advantage and forget that the United States isn’t just some other country—-it’s the single largest market in the world. Why not experiment some with tariffs to move production back in country?

Do we benefit from having the Chinese manufacture our dog food? Chips for our missiles?

Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban might be fine gentlemen on the whole but I somehow suspect that they are a wee bit more concerned about Israel than the average American is.

* The Trump administration should focus on humiliating and destroying left-wing idiocy (and its followers). He should start a relocation program aimed at dumping millions of blacks and immigrants from red states into nice, white democrat areas – then denounce them for racism when they flee or protest. The only way to destroy the mental illness of the left is to publicly humiliate its followers by giving them what they profess. Progressivism is a mental illness – a personality defect focused on social advancement by extreme (and almost always hypocritical) virtue signalling. Stop fighting the symptoms and destroy the disease.

* If Trump is successful it will be a masterstroke. He will have simultaneously bested the feminism/black/Latino Democratic coalition while handcuffing the religious conservatives and moneyed elites within his own party at the same time Religious conservatives have held the Republicans hostage for a generation but you can only keep losing for so long. They have no where else to go now. That has been OK with the Republican elite, who does not care whether abortion is legal or not. They only care if their economic interests are served. The irony is that religious conservatives and white liberals now have a way out of the box they have put themselves in. Perhaps they can be passionate about something else for a few decades while we move on to other more interesting things.

* Trump tosses around some pretty inflammatory rhetoric, and the MSM had been running some very inflammatory rhetoric against him. I’m not surprised there are some clashes.

I do wonder to what extent this was orchestrated (or simply exploited) by Trump. This whole election, watching Trump vs the other candidates has been like watching a really good chess player play against a bunch of novices. And this image of protesters (especially young, nonwhite, leftist, educated SJW types) trying to shut Trump down is going to play very well with his natural voters.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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