Instapundit Glenn Reynolds: ‘YEAH, THIS IS A LOAD OF CRAP: Trump campaign claims Michelle Fields is ‘attention seeking’ and her story ‘entirely false.’ Trump needs to fire Corey Lewandowski.’

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Glenn Reynolds looks like an idiot now that we have video of the incident.

Breitbart reporter accused of ‘crying wolf’ after new video is released

Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields has received mountains of attention this week over her claim that she was assaulted by Donald Trump‘s campaign manager.

But new video is casting serious doubt, not on who grabbed her, but on the severity of the incident.

Video published to YouTube on Saturday indeed shows a man that resembles Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbing her arm and moving her out of the way as she was about to chase after Trump, but the claim that she was almost thrust to the ground is beyond a stretch if this is the incident in question.

Fields has been in the national spotlight and appeared all over political television programs to talk about her “assault.”

She even filed a police report about the encounter.

Reactions have varied from “get over it,” or “she’s lying,” to demands that Trump fire his campaign manager and apologize.

So far, there has been no response from Fields or her supporters over the new footage.

Social media Trump supporters, including Ann Coulter, fired away on Fields over this new video.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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